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Genshin Impact 5.2: Should you pull for Chasca or Lyney?
Entertainment4 months ago

Genshin Impact 5.2: Should you pull for Chasca or Lyney?

Source: HoYoverse

Genshin Impact version 5.2 is right around the corner, and with it come the banners of Chasca and Lyney.

With an all new character in Chasca paired with Lyney’s rerun, we’re sure that you’re wondering who the better character to pull for is! 

Chasca seems to be a promising Anemo DPS with a fun and formidable kit, while Lyney has established himself as an underdog DPS who can deal insane amounts of damage when built right. If you want to weigh your options further however, we’ve got you covered.

Looking to spice up your gameplay as an Anemo main? Pull for Chasca

Chasca is well-regarded as a Peacemaker from the Flower-Feather tribe. She also plays an integral role in our mission to save Natlan. As a playable character, Chasca will have a 5-star rarity and will wield an Anemo vision. Her weapon of choice is the bow. Based on Chasca’s kit, it looks like she’s going to breathe new life (pun intended) to the Anemo element, which had stagnated after the release of its last DPS, Wanderer. 

Focusing on “elemental conversion,” Chasca has the ability to wield a massive hand cannon that can deal damage from any of the elements she can swirl. These elements are Pyro, Hydro Cryo, and Electro, which can be wielded through both her skill and burst. Chasca also strictly deals Area-of-Effect Anemo DMG with her skill and burst, which means that she’s theoretically ideal for endgame content like Spiral Abyss or Imaginarium Theatre, where you will need to face off against hordes of monsters.

Chasca will also have the ability to restore Phlogiston after defeating enemies, totalling up to 25 Phlogiston every 12 seconds, making her a perfect team player in a party of Natlan characters! However, this passive does not take effect in domains, trounce domains, or the Spiral Abyss. 

Want to deal Pyro DMG with a little bit of flair? Pull for Lyney

Lyney is Fontaine’s beloved court magician, a child of the House of the Hearth, and a Pyro wielding bow-user.

Lyney’s kit focuses on dishing out tons of Pyro DMG through his charged bow attacks in exchange for a fraction of his HP, before finishing off whatever enemy remains with his skill and burst before restarting the cycle. Lyney also excels in mono-Pyro team compositions thanks to his passive, which buffs his DMG based on the number of other Pyro characters included in your party. 

Lyney’s main damage dealer is his level 2 charged attack, which launches a Prop Arrow that deals Puro DMG and summons a Grin-Malkin Hat upon hitting an opponent. If Lyney’s HP is above 60% upon unleashing the Prop Arrow, he will consume a portion of his HP to summon 1 Prop Surplus stack. 

The Grin-Malkin Hat isn’t just for show. It has the ability to taunt nearby enemies to get the heat off of Lyney, and fire off a Pyrotechnic Strike which deals Pyro DMG. Meanwhile, Liney’s Prop Arrows can trigger a Spiritbreath Thorn to descend upon its hit location, dealing Pneuma-aligned Pyro DMG in certain intervals. Lyney’s skill will consume all of his current Prop Surplus stacks to deal AoE Pyro DMG to enemies in front of him, with the skill’s DMG depending on the number of Prop Surplus stacks consumed. Lyney will also regenerate health based on a percentage of his Max HP. 

Meanwhile, Lyney’s burst will allow him to turn into a Grin-Malkin Cat (not a hat!), which can move quickly through the battlefield to deal Pyro DMG to any enemies within its path. Upon exit or end of duration, Lyney will emerge and deal AoE Pyro DMG, summon 1 Grin-Malkin Hat, and gain 1 Prop Surplus stack. If you’re a veteran player with Lyney in your character roster, you might want to consider pulling for his constellations if you’re willing to invest in his potential further, specifically obtaining his C2, Loquacious Cajoling.

This C2 grants the following effect: When Lyney is on the field, he will gain a stack of Crisp Focus every 2 seconds, which will increase his Crit DMG by 20% with a max of 3 stacks, totalling to a whopping 60% Crit DMG increase. This constellation will upgrade Lyney’s damage output.

Genshin Impact's Version 5.2 update drops this coming November 20 with Chasca and Lyney headlining the first half banners, as well as additional content with a new map expansion, a new boss, and an Archon Quest Interlude.

Arianne "YanKu" BlancoFull time gamer, writer, and cat parent.