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Liu Bang honor of kings
General2 weeks ago

Honor of Kings: Liu Bang guide, arcana, and equipment

Liu Bang entered the Honor of Kings' global server. Here's a guide on how to master the rebel leader.

Honor of Kings’ resident rebel leader has arrived on the official global server. Liu Bang has planted his foot on the Hero's Gorge to start his conquest with his affinity for protecting his allies.

The rebel leader has the ability to CC his enemy while giving him and his team survivability with his ultimate and first skill. While he is an adept tank, he also can dish a significant amount of havoc if focused on his damage-dealing capabilities.

Here are his skill breakdown, equipment, arcana, and how to play him effectively:

Skills breakdown

Passive - Royal Ambition

Liu Bang gains one mark every second up to four marks. He expends all accumulated marks when he auto attacks. Each mark gives his auto attack 70-140 (+10% Magical Attack) magical damage. While at four marks, Liu Bang's basic attacks become a ranged attack and deal 280-550 (+100% Physical Attack)(+40% Magical Attack) magical damage.

Skill 1: Dominator's Shield

Liu Bang gains a shield that negates 600-1200(+18% extra Health) damage for 5 seconds. On expiration, the shield detonates and deals 600-1200(+80% Magical Attack) magical damage to nearby enemies. He can also use the skill again after 1.5 seconds to detonate it early. If the shield is broken, it will only deal 50% of the damage. 

Skill 2: Staggering Charge

The rebel leader dashes 275-550 in the target direction, dealing 300 (up to 600 depending on the skill level)(+40% Magical Attack) to 600 (up to 1,200 depending on the skill level)(+80% Magical Attack) magical damage to enemies in his path depending on the charge time, and stunning them for 0.75 seconds. Liu Bang can charge this skill for up to 1 second. If the charge is cancelled or interrupted, the cooldown of this skill will be reduced by 40%.

Ultimate: Battlefield Command

His ultimate is the bread and butter of Liu Bang's utility on the battlefield. Liu Bang selects a teammate and starts channelling in place, providing the teammate with a shield that negates 480 (up to 960 depending on the skill level)(+12% extra Health) to 960 (up to 1920 depending on the skill level)(+24% extra Health) damage. After 2.2 seconds, he teleports to the teammate.

Upon arriving, Liu Bang gains 30% movement speed and restores 300 (for up to 600)(+8% extra health) Health to himself and nearby teammates. He also fully charges Staggering Charge and keeps it charged for 10 seconds.

He can end the channelling early, after 0.4 seconds. If he ends it early, he will teleport instantly to the teammate, remove their shield, and deal 200 (up to 400 depending on the skill level)(+40% Magical Damage) to 400 (up to 800 depending on the skill level)(+80% Magical Attack) magical damage to nearby enemies. However, he and his team will not gain the recovery effect.

The longer the channelling, the stronger the shield and damage he deals when he cancels the channelling early.  


Total Stats:

  • Magical Attack +21
  • Magical Pierce +12
  • Physical Defense +38.5
  • Magical Defense +27
  • Movement Speed +4%
  • Max Health +618.5
  • Health/5s +52
  • Cooldown Reduction +6%
  • Attack Speed +5%

*These stats are based on Level 5 Arcana.

Liu Bang uses four types of arcana for his kit, improving his stats across the board. This build uses ten Harmony, ten Reverbratrion, five Nightmare, and five Fate for this build. This set makes him go to toe with tanky or agile fighters in the lane. Remember that his all-in potential isn't great, and you should poke the enemy to bully them out of the lane.


1. Boots of Resistance 

While his shield and dash give him extra survivability to his already tank stats, Liu Bang lacks crowd control immunity. Boots of Resistance will give the rebel leader the needed resistance and Magical Defense to escape danger quicker and survive enemy mid-lane gank attempt.


+120 Magical Defense

Passive - Swift

Movement Speed +60

Passive - Tough

Grants 30% resistance.

2. Blazing Cape

It is the quintessential equipment for every tank or fighter. Blazing Cape enhance Liu Bang's minion clear speed, Physical Defense, and Health while enabling him to deal with heroes with massive health recovery mechanisms.


+240 Physical Defense

+1,000 Max Health

Passive - Conflagration

It inflicts a burning effect on enemies within a 300 range, dealing 28-56 (+3% Health) magical damage every second. Damage dealt is doubled against minions and monsters.

Passive - Imperil

When a basic attack, skill, or burn effect hits an enemy, it reduces their Health recovery and lifesteal by 35%, lasting for 3 seconds.

3. Breakthrough Robe

As a Tank-Mage hybrid, Liu Bang benefits greatly from Breakthrough Robe, which enhances his damage and survivability. This equipment is your main damage-dealing piece, granting you the necessary magical pierce against enemy fighters.


+120 Magical Attack

+1,000 Max Health

Passive - Breakthrough

Grants (4% extra Health) Magical Attack, up to 100.

Passive - Purge

Grants (7% extra Health) Magical Pierce, up to 175.

4. Insatiable Tome

Liu Bang will most likely always be in the heat of battle. A sprinkle of Magical Lifesteal can go a long way, especially if you buy the Blood Clan's Grimoire early. Furthermore, Insatiable Tome also enhances his Cooldown Reduction so you can cast your skill slightly earlier.


+180 Magical Attack

+10% Cooldown Reduction

+1,000 Max Health

Passive - Bloodthirst

Magical Lifesteal +25%

5. Augur's Word

Another item that enhances Liu Bang's survivability without sacrificing his damage. Augur's Word improves his Physical Defense and Magical Defense depending on how much his Magical Attack is. It also gives Liu Bang a burst of regeneration every time he levels up. He can buy this item before completing Insatiable Tome first if he stays in his lane a lot in the game.


+140Magical Attack

+500 Max Mana

+1,000 Max Health

Passive - Hero's reward

Levelling up recovers 20% of Max Health and Max Mana within 3 seconds.

Passive - Augury

Increase Physical and Magical Defense by (40% Magical Attack). Up to 230.

6. Overlord's Platemail

The last piece of equipment for Liu Bang is the Overlord's Platemail. This armour massively boosts his Health and gives a little Physical and Magical Defense. However, the main selling point of this equipment is the massive recovery that makes Liu Bang always ready to fight if he lives the confrontation.


+100 Physical Defense

+50 Magical Defense

+1,500 Max Health

Passive - Fated

Increases Health by 8%

Passive - Recovery

Recovers 0.5% Health every second. The recovery effect is doubled after 3 seconds if not attacked by an enemy hero or lower.

Situational: Blood Rage, Sage's Sanctuary

If in a crazy situation, Liu Bang needs a boost of physical damage, Blood Rage and its upgraded version, Phantom, offer him the necessary damage and survivability to do this job.

How to play Liu Bang

Liu Bang's early game consists of him bullying his opponent out of lane with his stun, shield and auto attack. Never go all-in when using Liu Bang as his opponent's capabilities might outshine him. Focus on getting level four early as his power spikes to a roof, as he can instantly help with ganks without leaving his lane. 

Liu Bang's bread and butter is his ultimate Battlefield Command. Proper usage of his ultimate can quickly turn the tide of a battle, as he can turn a two-on-one gank into a level playing field. This skill also gives him a global presence as he can split the opposition to his side and quickly join the fights if necessary. Liu Bang needs a clear understanding of the game to be used appropriately, as all his skills offer much utility but lack specialization.

Liu Bang's utility and versatility stem from his global presence. While he didn't offer anything extraordinary, he is a safe pick for players to improve their game sense while playing in clash lane. You can check out this Augran guide if you want a more ganking and all-in-oriented fighter in Honor of Kings.

Tommy "Slushiesdrinker" MakmurI'm just someone who love to game and meme

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