So with the new PBE teaser, we've been introduced to Firecracker Vayne Prestige Edition. Making it the 4th Prestige edition skin within as many months.
Obviously Prestige skins are the new Riot cash grab, but I'd love to go back to a forum post by Riot Carlos when initially describing what Prestige skins stood for.
Here we see him post and compare KDA Kai'sa Prestige Edition to Young Ryze in terms of Rarity and the feeling a person should get when showing off the skin.
With Prestige skins seemingly being pumped out once a month now, how is that "collectors value" feeling suppose to say when it seems like they will just become something of a norm?
Edit: Well I definitely wasn't expecting this to blow up the way it did. I'll admit, the whole post itself was an impulsive thing as I had just seen the pbe update with the Vayne skin, but this post here sums up my thoughts rather nicely.
It's not necessarily the fact that they're pumping out the Prestige skins, it's the fact that besides the disgusting amount of grinding you have to do for them, there's really nothing special about them (particularly the Aatrox and Vayne skin).
Regardless, both sides have valid arguments. Yes, I know Rito is a company with a business strategy, but the whole Prestige execution could have a bit more effort than just a gold recoloring.
Edit 2: Honestly though, Sejuani deserves justice with it being the year of the boar. Oh well, it's Rito, sex sells.