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Aghanim's Scepter and Shard tier lists by WagaMama and 2B_Doto

Dota 2 streamers WagaMama and 2B_Doto came up with a tier list for the Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard upgrades in the game.

Who doesn’t like a good tier list? And with a game like Dota 2 which has 121 heroes, there are quite a few lists that can be made, which will keep changing as the patches change. Two streamers, WagaMama and 2B_Doto, recently came up with a tier list for all the Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shards upgrades Dota 2 has to offer. Let’s take a look at how they rated the upgrades for two of the more unique items in the game.


Aghanim’s Scepter Tier List

The Aghanim’s Scepters have been rated from ULTRA POG to F tiers, with a total of seven different tiers. Here’s a look at the top and bottom tiers.

Skywrath Mage

F tier:
Treant Protector
Crystal Maiden
Phantom Lancer

Morphling is definitely one of the best Scepters in the game. Teams literally base their entire game plan on the Morphling Scepter. The other three are quite good as well, but it isn’t everyday that Skywrath Mage and Rubick get the money to buy an Aghanim’s Scepter, while Visage isn’t the most popular hero to be seen in games. But it indeed is a very strong Scepter upgrade.

Visage Scepter upgrade: Turns Visage and familiars invisible, granting Visage movement speed and upgrading its movement type to flying. When Visage or its familiars leave invisibility, they deal more damage for 4 seconds. Lasts 35 seconds. Invisibility ends when attacking or casting.

Of the ones in the F tier, the only two that seem slightly usable are Tiny and Treant Protector. Tiny’s ‘Tree Volley’ has surely seen greener days, but after nerfs, isn’t really a priority anymore. Treant Protector’s Scepter upgrade, which grants him ‘Eyes in the Forest’. The others are definitely not worth the 4200 gold investment. It is slightly sad to see Underlord’s Scepter Upgrade, ‘Fiend’s Gate’, not really make the news with any meme strats. At the end of the day, these Scepters definitely need to be buffed or reworked, which is hopefully what will happen with Dota 2 patch 7.31, when it is released towards the end of February.

In case you want to dive deep into the decision behind ranking every Scepter upgrade, you can go on a four hour journey with Waga and 2B!


Aghanim’s Shard Tier List

When rating the Aghanim’s Shards, Waga and 2B needed to come up with an eighth tier – DOGSHIT tier – possibly because some of the Shard upgrades are just that bad. Here’s a look at the top and bottom tiers.

Drow Ranger
Lone Druid
Templar Assassin
Void Spirit
Queen of Pain
Legion Commander
Phantom Lancer

Crystal Maiden
Shadow Demon

A few days ago, GosuGamers took a look at the most popular and least popular Aghanim’s Shards from the DPC Winter Tour. Four out of the five most popular Aghanim’s Shards from the DPC Winter Tour fall in the ULTRA POG tier list. The only one that doesn’t is Dark Willow, which has been put in B tier by the two streamers.

The least popular Shards from the DPC Winter Tour are a bit all over the place in the streamers’ tier list. Those can differ on personal experience and whether you are playing in a professional game or pub. But the ones Waga and 2B have in their DOGSHIT tier are without a doubt, some of the worst Shard upgrades on offer and hopefully, they see a buff or rework when Dota 2 patch 7.31 arrives.

There isn’t a video on the selection of the tiers for the Aghanim’s Shards yet, but Waga did tweet that he is working on it. Once it arrives, we will include it in the article.


There are bound to be a significant number of changes related to Aghanim’s Scepters and Aghanim’s Shards once patch 7.31 drops. GosuGamers will have a Scepter and Shard ratings for all the new and revamped ones that the patch has to offer.

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.