Hello Creolophus. Would you be kind introduce yourself to the readers of Gamingeye?
- My name is Olav Lundheim, I'm 19 years old, live in Stavanger and I study to become an engineer in computer technology.
You play in the clan fnatic. When and why did you join this clan?
- I went over to Fnatic for about a month ago. The reason I moved was that the rest of the players in AMD were interested in finding a team where the possibilities for getting paid and such were more likely. It proved that Fnatic had a lot of what we were looking for, and almost the whole team moved on from AMD to Fnatic.
Who is managing the clan?
- It is still Trimble who is resonsible for clan wars and such for the WC3 team, while zr0 and sizah are from the management and helps when problems occur.
How do you think they manage the clan?
- They manage it fine. We get answers on our asked questions and we players are also able to decide on things that is based around the clan.
So you are satisfied with your clan generally speaking?
- Yeah. The clan is mostly Painkiller-based, but we in the WC3 team are hoping to change that by being ranked high and doing good in the future.
Do you plan to take part in any league like WC3L?
- It is not settled yet whether we can take AMD's spot in WC3L. In MCL mTw replaced AMD against SK in the grand final. We are hoping to take part in MCL next season, while we keep on playing in regular 1on1 tournaments.
What clans have you been playing for before you joined fnatic?
- I played for a couple of unknown Norwegian clans before I joined Clan IT in which I spent for a bit over a year. After a while, WinneR joined AMD and I decided to do the same. Recently the AMD players decided to play for Fnatic instead because Enrique, apm70 and ElakeDuck went from AMD to SK because of understandable reasons.
What clan have you enjoyed playing in the most?
- It is most of all the players in the clans that is the deciding factor whether I like it or not. In Clan IT I played together with Norwegian players, and at the same time it is pleasant to play with people from other countries, especiellt when you have met them in real life. I can't rate the clans.
CreolophusName: Olav LundheimNick: CreolophusCountry: NorwayClan: fnaticRace: Night Elf |
Hehe, ok. How is Norway as a gaming country compared to say Korea and Sweden?
- Norway have had pretty few great players. SK.Dominator is the one who's won everything. There are a lot of LAN parties in Norway, but most of the players play Counter-Strike and now World of WarCraft. Norway is pretty much alike Sweden, although in a smaller scale. Sweden has had a lot more good WC3 players and clans. Comparing to Korea where semi-progaming is seen as a profession.
After a documentary about two Norwegian StarCraft players (Slayer and sVEN) many Norwegians looked upon gaming on a more higher level.
What was it about and why did it play such a big part?
- The documentary was about Slayer who travelled to Korea and won a huge tournament. The movie was about an hour long and contained information about the game, what progaming is and about the tournament Slayer took part in. It aired for about 4-5 years ago when nobody knew it was possible making money on playing a game. The movie aired on one of Norway's biggest channels (TV2) on prime time. Both me, my brother and my father sat there and looked upon the game StarCraft, how it's played and the competition in Korea.
“ ...when I saw the documentary where Slayer won a tournament in Korea I knew it was possible.” |
Interesting. Was it at that time you got into progaming for real?
- I did not really have the intention to make money and and play The Frozen Throne on such a serious level when I started, but when I saw the documentary where Slayer won a tournament in Korea I knew it was possible.
How does a regular day look like for Olav "Creolophus" Undheim?
- On a regular school day I go up around 7:15, have breakfast and so on. I drive to school starting 7:55. Normally the school ends around 14:00, then I go home and play a couple of hours, work out and meet some friends, play a couple of hours more before I go to sleep. I work on the weekends, on Saturdays I go out and practise WarCraft most of the time.
What do your friends think of the fact that you play WarCraft 3 on such a professional level?
- When I told them I won 15,000 SEK and a trip to France today, they started laughing. They think it is unbelieveable that you are able to travel around in Europe just to play computer games, as most of them played for a while when TFT just hit the blocks.
Speaking of those 15,000 crowns - you were on the big Swedish LAN DreamHack. Was it the first time?
- It was my first LAN in Sweden. The reason I left was because of the Norwegian ESWC qualifier, which was held at DreamHack. I had an oral presentation at Thursday at 13:00 and I were to register for WC3 on DreamHack at 20:00. That was pretty stressful. If the qualifer would have been in Norway I would not have went to DreamHack, I think.
Did the LAN live up to your expectations?
- The LAN was very well organized. There were plenty of room and I had no trouble with the network. I thought DreamHack was better than the Norwegian LAN The Gathering that has a bit over 5 000 visitors. Norwegian LAN use to take forever getting the prize money. Hopefully the DreamHack prize money gets here faster.
You won DreamHack's 1on1 tournament, organised by GosuGamers. How does that feel?
- I thought Fury, Sunshine and MaDFroG among other were to take part in that tournament. So it did not turn out as tough as I thought it would be. Despite that I was very happy when I won over SaSe in the finals on the big screen, since SaSe played really good in the end of the tournament.
How did you think the tournament was run?
- The tournament went well, a bit odd though with only seeding three players. Also a bit weird that they needed to play everything except the final on Friday and that Dominator wanted to go home on his own even if it were 2 days left on the LAN.
What was best at DreaMHack if we put aside the WC3 tournament and the ESWC qualifier?
- The sound level was very pleasant. On The Gathering everybody that sits at row one to ten gets hearing impairments of the show on stage and the music. The hotel that were just nearby was good too, all that was missing was a McDonalds. (If there was one we did not see it)
Let us change the subject and go for something completely different. You won the Norwegian ESWC qualifier on DreamHack. How did that feel?
- The fact that it was pretty far to DreamHack from Norway it was only me and Dominator that travelled making the competition less hard like it could have been. Despite that I was very releaved when I won and found out that Night Elf still own Orc.
Were you disappointed that only two players from Norway took part?
- Well, it turned out better for me since I only had one opponent. Even though I think it would have been better with an online qualification, at The Gathering or at a local LAN in Oslo, so more Norwegians could participate.
The qualifiers have previously been held at The Gathering. Any idea why this was changed?
- I have no idea. I thought the old system with a qualifier at The Gathering was a good idea. This year even Ciara, Yskhyr and Bjarke joined the tournament at The Gathering, as well as it might not be that right when the Danish players eliminated the Norwegians since the winner would win the ESWC qualifiers.
Will the ESWC qualifiers be held at DreamHack in the future?
- Actually I hope that the Norwegian qualifiers will be held in Norway next year, although it might be a bit more "show" if the final is held at DreamHack.
What are your chances at winning ESWC?
- With a nice bracket I think I can make Top 8, but the chance of me winning probably sums up to nothing.
Who do you think will win ESWC?
- Fov or Grubby.
Who do you think will win WEG 2005?
- I think Moon will win WEG.
How do you think WEG has been organized this time?
- It looks like they have done it a lot better this time compared to the last season, more of a central spot etc. I still miss replays instead of VODs, but that's nothing you can do about it.
Have you seen any VODs?
- I try to get as many VODs I can, but it takes a while to download them, so it might turn out I haven't seen them all. The one thing i like about VODs the most is that you get to see the facial expressions on the players. For an example, it is impossible to see if Moon has won or lost, he has a poker face.
| Balance
What do you think of the patch? What is balanced and what is not?
- The balance in WarCraft only gets better and better, and most of all the best player wins regardless of the race. I would like to see some of the maps remade to get them more balanced, like Fountain of Health is too good for Grunts but not for Ghouls. Maybe you should get UD something else than going mass destroyers against Orc. I also want to see a change in mass towers so the game gets more entertaining for the audience. I saw the finals in StarCraft on the big screen during DreamHack and I thought it was much more fun than WarCraft. A lot of dead units and big battles.
Which race is the most imbalanced?
- Hmm, Night Elf beats Orc, Orc beats Undead although the map mostly say more than matchup.
You play NE. There are a high number of players that complain over the balance regarding Night Elves. What do you think is imbalanced with NE?
- Night Elves use to use the heroes in the Taverns, they expand pretty fast and they usually go fast tech.
What maps are the best for a Night Elf?
- Speaking for myself I like Gnoll Wood against Human, Twisted Meadows against Orc and Turtle Rock against Undead. Which map is best is based on what strategies you use to use.
If you had the honor of telling Blizzard on what to change in the next patch, what changes would you make?
- Change the maps, not have so many upgrades on Undead casters, change Moonstone a bit, give Paladin Unholy Aura instead of Devotion Aura, change mass towers and nerf Night Elf a bit.
What in Night Elf would you change?
- It's hard to say, maybe remove Moon and Night Elf would be nerfed. DH/Panda bears against Undead and Night Elf against Orc in general might be a bit too good. Or it's just me who doesn't face any good players on the ladder.
Tell me why you came to be a Night Elf from the very beginning?
- In Reign of Chaos I only played 2on2 random teams with Orc (Mass wyverns, hello!), in the beginning of TFT I did only CL, fiends, DK, statues against absolutely everything, then I changed to Night Elf and started to use the Beastmaster a bit, and then I have played with Night Elf since that patch. Additionally, Night Elves have many possibilites and almost every strategy works. And, Night Elves has mass hunts (just ask SaSe)
In closing, we would like to say thank you and good luck in France! Any ending words?
- Thanks to Fnatic/Everglid and all who plays Warcraft :)
| Source, origin, translation and moreThis interview was originally made by Jonas "Busfisken" Pettersson at WarCraft.Gamingeye.com. With his written consent GosuGamers translated the interview from Swedish to English. With this we want to remind you that whatever is said in the interview are not GosuGamers' words and thoughts, it belongs to Busfisken and Creolophus. The translation was done as precise as possible, so no information should be misleading.
The Swedish version of the interview can be found » here. | | | | | |