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General10 years ago

Everything you need to know about Day 2 of the Steam Holiday Sale

Day 2 of the Steam Holiday sale has arrived, presenting 9 more daily deals and 6 more flash deals. Here, you will find everything you need to know to get the best deals possible.

Fun times! Today's edition of the Steam Holiday features a total of 6,223 items on sale. Day 1 of the community vote has also concluded, with indie adventure game "Hack 'n Slash" coming up on top with a 66% discount. A list of the daily and flash deals can be found below:

Daily Deals:

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - 50% off
Assassin’s Creed Unity - 33% off
Batman: Arkham Origins - 75% off
Fable Anniversary - 50% off
Ryse: Son of Rome - 50% off
Depth - 40% off
Killing Floor - 75% off
Castle Crashers - 90% off
Valkyria Chronicles - 25% off

Flash Sales: (Lasts for 12 hours)

Dead Space™ 2 - 75% off
Broforce - 33% off
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine - 91% off
Door Kickers - 50% off
Broken Age - 66% off
DG2: Defense Grid 2 - 66% off

*as of 12/19/14

A complete list of all 6,223 games on sale today can be found here. Happy saving!

Never forget about the most important guide on how to survive Steam sale:

List of sales courtesy of /r/Steam
Image courtesy of /u/YungGaben