Blizzard's most recent comic, “Reflections” paints a heartwarming story with most of the Overwatch heroes.
The focus of the comic is on the 'showgirl' of Overwatch, Tracer, as she zips and zooms through London looking for a gift for a 'special someone.' But the reveal of her partner shocked the community: Tracers significant other is another woman.
The community as a whole took Blizzard's confirmation of LGBT in Overwatch well, but were a little surprised by Tracer's part in it. Because of the looks and attitude of Zarya, their pink-haired, strong as a bear Russian soldier, most of the Overwatch community believed that she would be a top candidate for LGBT.
Though the community accepted Tracer as homosexual, there were a few fans who were confused by the reveal or downright upset over it. Some were furious that Blizzard should not have placed an agenda into their games. Blizzard amazes each time in their comics, revealing in-depth stories of their Overwatch cast. Each panel of pages 10 and 11 (as depicted below) shows the holiday plans for most of the heroes, and some of these panels are heart-wrenching: Widowmaker visiting her former husband's grave, and Ana and Soldier 76 unable to spend time with their loved ones. It is refreshing to follow a game where the developers stay dedicated and make the effort to create such extensive lore to a comparatively simple, objective based first-person-shooter.
Whether Overwatch developers wanted to place themselves in the public eye as LGBT supporters or if they just wanted to reveal simple lore and lives of their characters outside of Overwatch. Blizzard does strike warmth within their new comic. Even with the warm glow of Christmas and Tracer's love, one cannot forget that the Omnic Crisis is still imminent, landing another attack in Russia as shown on the news Winston has on his computer.
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