Hi, well congratulations on qualifying for ROCCAT DotA GosuCup #3. Could you give us a brief introduction of yourself to our readers?
-"Thanks, Hi, I am PAADA, capitain and suport player of paiN!"
What is your general view on the qualifiers?
-"It was very nice, we faced teams we know very well and got a bit lucky also."
Was it really luck?
-"A bit *smile* The best teams (vvv and SROB) in my opinion were on the top part of the bracket."
Well, tell us more about paiN. When was it created?
-"paiN was created during ESWC 2010, when old CNB players (who couldn't travel and so left the team) and some friends decided to create the team."
If I can recall, you were part of CNB before, correct?
-"Yes, as captain and suport also. Actually, three other paiN members were also in CNB (brtt, sune and GRD). Only brtt went to ESWC, he joined paiN two months ago."
How popular would you say DotA is in Brazil?
-"Very popular, Brazil is a very big country and DOTA and Counter-Strike are the most played games. Just see the "Brazillian invasion" watch our replays and you'll have a good notion of that." *smile*
How many teams are in the competitive scene and participate in international tournaments for example?
-"Besides us, there are also two good teams which are very hard to beat, but they change their lineups a lot, CNB for example, had about 25 different players in a year, while pain had 9." *smile*
What leagues or tournaments you guys usually play?
-"We play fearz league and iDota league from Brazil, also play a lot of pubs."
-"Yes, a lot, but most don't have a prize for the winner. Sometimes we play SECS but we usually don't have full lineup. SECS takes in one day, about 6 games, very exhausting and consumes a lot of time, but it is very fun."
And what do you think of the new map 6.71?
-"Very nice, love the three new items, smoke is very fun!"
However in ROCCAT DotA Gosucup, the map is 6.69c. Could you tell us what aspects of that map specifically you can still use at your advantage?
-"I dont know if there are much aspects to take advantage of, every team is playing a familiar style, with triple lane and usually same solo heroes, but we will probabbly come up with some new stuff and rely on our player skills."
In your match against GDT, you picked Lich. Actually Lich is picked quite frequently during your past few games. Is that a favorite pick for paiN?
-"I like Lich a lot, in 6.69c his frost armor is great against armor reduction (venge and razor in this match), it also makes alchemist immortal and is pretty decent in triple lanes."
How about during the game againt Veritas Invictus: your opponent goes for two carries, Sniper and Wind Runner, while your team only picks Morphling as carry.
-"We put a lot of trust on our mophlings, brTT and r22 use them very well, also Morphling is pretty unbalanced with ethereal blade imo and very strong in lane!"
-"We focus more on in-lane picks (like best heroes to lane with and to dominate lanes), teambattle is just a consequence of our gold and level advantage." *smile*
So you guys have lots of momentum then, like Brazilian soccer!
-"Hahahahaahha *smile* We train a lot, and have played 8 months together." *smile*
Whom do you see as your biggest rivals in Gosucup? What are your expectations?
-"Well, SRob and LOST.EU have beat us before on tournaments, so I would say both of them." *smile*
Well, can I ask you a bit more about yourself? What do you do besides DotA?
-"I study finance, buy and sell stocks in the stock market and do a lot of fitness training."
We are close to the end of the interview. Could you tell us the various roles of paiN members?
-"Sune always solos, brTT as carrier and I as support, the others play anything we need." *smile*
One last piece of advice, what would you say is more important for winning games in DotA?
-"Teambattles usually decide the match, knowing if or if not to fight and fight right!" *smile*
Any last shoutouts?
-"Shoutout to all paiN fans and members, idota league and gosugamers!! + my girlfriend."
PaiN is currently in Roccat DotA Gosucup Group A. Stay tuned on Gosugamers as we bring you the latest news on Gosucup #3!