The interview is done between the two star players, but captain FearDarkness does most of the talking. The questions vary from the team's thoughts and feelings regarding ESWC, their perspective on teams such as LOST and EHOME, as well as their opinions regarding the current version and what is expected from Nirvana.GiGa.Int in the future. The rumour of a roster change was not denied by the Americans. Perhaps Puppey will be teaming up with them once again?
Below is an extract from the interview:
The RGC is currently running, and 13abyKnight just stated that LOST will be the winners, what are your thoughts on this?
Nirvana.GiGa.Fear: "I don't really care. I don't feel that LOST is that much stronger than before with 13abyKnight. I think they are about the same skill level but hopefully they will get along with eachother better now."
Nirvana.GiGa.DeMoN: "Not much, just cool story bro"
Which plans do you have for future LANs? If ADL will be hosted this year aswell, would you attend?
-"Right now the only lan events we're really focused on is the world cup, SMM and possibly the DTS cup. But who knows maybe that could be an option for us too."
There has been much talk regarding Loveen's "DotA World Cup", but there has still been no official statement. The players seem to be gearing up for it, so one cannot help but feel the level of anticipation rise. Will teams qualify or will it be invitation only? Who will be invited? Prize money? Stay tuned to for all information regarding the matter.
Links - Full Interview