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Long list of new legendary skins, Star Guardian skins, and champion updates leaked for League

Akin to the Urgot and skin leaks last year, another major list of leaks was posted to the League of Legends Reddit community today, revealing new Star Guardian skins, new legendary skins, and details for the upcoming Morgana and Kayle updates.

The post was removed by the Reddit community’s mods for lacking evidence, but French esports site Millenium caught a screenshot of the list before it was taken down. As this is a leak, take everything listed below with a grain of salt. This was, according to another Reddit post on LeagueOfMeta, posted by the same person who leaked Urgot’s details in 2017, which mostly ended up being true.


Joe "JDKINETON" Kinetonex-gosugamers employee, still help out every now and then. CSGO PR: [email protected] Gosugamers Support: [email protected]