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LoL7 years ago

How should I deal with being held hostage in a ranked game for over four hours by colluding duos?

If I just abandon the game, I get punished for AFK but there's no other in-game thing I can do to stop being griefed? During this match there were four players who paired as two duos, popped into each other (now they control both teams ff's). By the time anybody realized what was happening, the duos were farmed enough to 2v3. So whenever a team went to end, they would communicate to their friends on the enemy team and prevent a team from ending the game.

I've learned that this is something they've planned and executed before:

and that Riot actually encountered this game and didn't look into any possibility of collusion. In fact, they arguably celebrated this here:

Here's their youtube upload of the prior colluded game:

I just have no idea what i'meant to do against such organized and dedicated griefing. I can't submit a ticket, i'll just get told to report them in post-game and they do the usual nothing about a ticketed complaint. So I need to get to end screen to report them. Oh btw, the client has bugged on end screen and i'm stuck at "skip waiting for stats" so now I can't even report them.