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Hearthstone9 years ago

Decklist spotlight: StanCifka’s Renolock Highlander

Ever wanted to build a deck with only one copy of a card? StarLadder champ Stanislav Cifka has the control Warlock for you.

Ever since he was shown at Blizzcon, [card]Reno Jackson[/card] was hailed as one of the saviors of control decks. By healing the hero to full health when his effect triggers, Reno added unmatched before survivability options to slow decks whose main purpose is outlasting their opponents.

The cocky explorer already made a splash during the first week of League of Explorers. In the first LoE tournament ever held, Complexity’s Jan “SuperJJ” Janssen abused Reno’s healing power to the maximum, putting him in a freeze mage deck which ultimately won him the championship after a 5-0 sweep over Stanislav Cifka.

Now, Cifka himself is channeling the power of Reno Jackson to conquer the highest ranks of the legend ladder. The Czech progamer is using a full highlander control warlock, where each card is only represented only once to ensure 100% trigger rate on Reno Jackson.

In spite of its singleton nature, the deck plays out like a classic control. The majority of the cards are tailored towards board clearing or protecting player’s life points through taunts or healing. There are a few midrange threats like [card]Piloted Shredder[/card] and [card]Twilight Drake[/card] but most of the power lies at the high ends of the curve with [card]Dr Boom[/card], [card]Molten Giant[/card] and [card]Lord Jaraxxus[/card]. The pair of [card]Feugen[/card] and [card]Stalagg[/card] are also there and will often summon the powerful 11/11 Thaddius.

The deck is very tricky to play and takes a lot of getting used to. Survival is often clutch as there are few early game anti-aggro drops (there’s only one [card]Zombie Chow[/card] after all), but once it’s stabilized it’s extremely potent.

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