Hearthstone next major update introduces Battleground Buddies
The new Buddy system features a unique minion for each hero to play with.
Sharil "memeranglaut" Abdul Rahman
SportsEdTV and Taylor Johnson launch new video training series
<p>SportsEdTV and Taylor Johnson have partnered up to provide physical training videos for gamers and competitive players.</p>
Cristy "Pandora" Ramadani
Blizzard pulls support from Heroes of the Storm esports
<p>Blizzard has announced that they will no longer be supporting Heroes of the Storm esports and reassigning developers to other assignments. </p>
DOSB: "We are in favour of distinguishing electronic sports simulations from eGaming."
<p>Major Controversy has stirred after the DOSB/German Olympic Sports Federation has stated there is a significant difference between sports simulations and esports.</p>
Joe "JDKINETON" Kineton
Its that time of year again; WESG 2018-2019 details
<p>WESG has announced their return for the 2018-2019 season with information regarding the qualifiers, dates and general details. </p>
Esports: Global and Economic Expansion
<p>Esports continues to be a fast-growing industry with new partnerships and opportunities popping up all over the world on a consistent basis.</p>
It is time to repeat a lot of things about Standard
<p>Sumadin looks back at the turbulent first season of the year of the Raven.</p>
Stefan "Sumadin" Suadicani
New balance changes coming after HCT Playoffs
<p>Blizzard will be making new balance changes in an update that will arrive sometime after the HCT Playoffs are complete.</p>
Tony "Rain_bringer" Rain
Sit by the Hearth and enjoy: Noblegarden is coming!
<p>There should be lots of fun in the Year of the Raven for Hearthstone with better and more rewarding quests, a new dungeon and a lot more features. Noblegarden is the latest treat to be added as a week-long festival of fun. </p>
Zechs Files: Reviewing the Witchwood Review
<p>We're a couple of weeks into the Witchwood meta-game now. Time to look back at my picks for the best cards and see how well I did. (Spoier: I did pretty badly)</p>
GosuGamers Staff
Hearthstone: The Departure, Part 2 - Hamilton Chu
<p>Days after Ben Brode has left Blizzard as Hearthstone game director, Hamilton Chu, Executive Producer of the Team 5, has also left the organization. </p>
Zechs Files: Five Cards I'll Miss and Five I Won't
<p>The new expansion is a time of excitement, but it's also a time for farewells. Some of them are fond, some of them... not so much.</p>