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Hearthstone7 years ago

New balance changes coming after HCT Playoffs

Image courtesy of Blizzard

Blizzard will be making new balance changes in an update that will arrive sometime after the HCT Playoffs are complete.

Over the last year, Hearthstone’s Team 5 has been listening and responding to the community on almost all game related topics and suggestions. They have granted many of the desired game features, changes, card nerfs and have even been busy working on more and interesting upcoming new updates.

It all started when Hearthstone players asked for card nerfs and were rewarded with them. Then the community asked for Death Knights and Team 5 gave a favorite WoW class, incorporated as a card. Recently there was a long-awaited nerf to the Rogue quest, Corridor Creeper, Bonemare, Raza and even Patches. This all came in addition to the Tournament mode (full beta at first), that the community wanted.

After the last expansion - The Witchwood, everyone seemed to be satisfied for some time before rumbling started again. Some pro players suggested changes need to be made to the existing cards and that Hearthstone still needs balancing, while some famous streamers voiced their own ideas to make the game better and interactive.

True to form, Team 5 had been listening this time as well and yesterday they released the official announcement on the new card changes.

According to the release, there will be 6 cards with text changes and huge mana cost changes that will be made after the HCT Playoffs are over at the end of the month. 

Naga Sea Witch


Spiteful Summoner


Dark Pact


Possessed Lackey


Call to Arms


The Caverns Below's Crystal Core 


So, with that being said, we can all sit back now and enjoy this week’s HCT Asia-PAC Playoffs, while we wait for the new and exciting gameplay that we will have very soon. 
