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WoW19 years ago

Updates on the new Dungeons


Blizzard released earlier today an update on the new Dungeons and Raids that will come in the next patch and in The Burning Crusade; Karazhan, Hellfire Citadel and Naxxramas.


Karazhan will be a 10 man raid instance in the upcomming World of Warcraft Expansion: Burning Crusade. The instance will be very big with over twelve bosses. They are also working on a save function that will be used if you cant finish the whole instance in one night. "For example, after you kill certain bosses, you can open a door thats a shortcut from the entrance."

Hellfire Citadel

Hellfire Citadel will be the first dungeon that people will be doing in the expansion. It will be located just inside the Dark Portal. "Right now, two of the wings are scheduled to be lower level level up wings (for players leveling to 70). One of the wings is slated to be a maximum 5-person dungeon.". The other wing is named Magtheridons Lair and will be almost like Onyxias Lair in size.


Naxxramas is the dungeon that we will see first of all new dungeons, Naxxramas is already in testing and it will contain more bosses thn any existing dungeon in World of Warcraft. "After a few more weeks of internal testing, we'll put it on the PTRs for an extended test period so that you guys have time to hammer the encounters and provide us with feedback."