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apex legends leak


3 years ago

Apex Legends just got its biggest leak yet with plenty of new Legends, weapons, maps, and more

The leak features nine new legends, new weapons, maps, and more.

Respawn Entertainment's Apex Legends is one of the biggest battle royale hero shooters in the market right now and it's about to get a whole lot bigger. Two years' worth of content has been leaked on the popular subreddit, r/ApexUncovered. The leak features a total of nine new Legends that we can expect for the next nine seasons alongside future maps, weapons, and even cosmetics. It was first posted on Reddit by an anonymous user, 5849373-throwaway.

His first post showcased all nine of the upcoming Legends in the character selection menu. A follow-up post came soon after with a now-disabled Mega cloud link that featured 15 videos of leaked Apex content showcasing the latest Legends, weapons, maps, and cosmetics. Of course, like all leaks, this would be taken with a pinch of salt but if history were any indication, major leaks still give fans and players a general idea of what to expect in the future.

As for the nine new Legends, they are:

  • Caliber
  • Catalyst
  • Conduit
  • Jester
  • Newcastle
  • Phantom
  • Scryer
  • Uplink
  • Vantage

With each new season, Respawn usually introduces a new Legend into the fold. As nine Legends have been leaked, we can expect to see them in some way, shape, or form in the coming months. Of course, be sure to take all this with a pinch of salt because Respawn could very well change everything we now know about these new Legends to keep them fresh.

Aside from the new leaked Legends, five new maps appeared in the data-mined files with four being made specifically for the Arenas and one more for Battle Royale. There also appears to be major updates to the Firing Range, which now includes a toggle for infinite ammo, faster/slower moving targets, and more.

There were also alleged changes to be made to two existing maps in the game, Storm Point and King's Canyon. For the former, it features a new unnamed location between the North Pad and The Mill with a giant dead creature that can also be explored. There will also be a Prowler's Nest south of the Cenote Cave. Lastly, there will be various IMC cargo ships in four areas of the map.

As for King's Canyon, it receives a new drop location on the map known as Salvage. It features some of the remains of Skull Town that has since been re-introduced and is now surrounded by tall walls as well as a small expansion to the southwest area. Some chokepoints in both Market and The Cage have been expanded. Speaking of The Cage, the upper areas have been removed but there are still ziplines.

As for the new maps, they are:

  • Centrifuge - Arenas
  • Drop-Off - Arenas
  • Frosted - Arenas
  • Monument - Arenas
  • Divided Moon - Battle Royale

Apex Legends boast a wide array of weapons to choose from, allowing players to get creative with their playstyles and gunfights. With the leak, it appears that Respawn is looking to elevate the gameplay with the introduction of grenade launchers, rocket launchers, as well as more new weapons. This includes new assault rifles, pistols, SMGs, and even a new LMG.

Other loot updates that we can see in the future include a new ammo type, new survival items, and even a new scope. It also looks like there will be some changes made to some of the current guns in the game like the R-301 Carbine, the Alternator SMG, the C.A.R. SMG, the R-99 SMG, and the RE-45 Auto.

Here are all the new weapons and loot to look forward to:


  • Archer - rocket launcher
  • Cold War - grenade launcher
  • Cryo Grenade - grenade
  • EPG - grenade launcher
  • Fanatic Pistol - pistol (energy ammo)
  • Gemini SMG - SMG (energy ammo)
  • M429 Maelstrom - LMG (light ammo)
  • MKA-00 - shotgun (shotgun ammo)
  • Nemesis Burst AR - assault rifle (energy ammo)
  • Scorpion C80 - assault rifle (arrows)
  • Softball - grenade launcher

*six other weapons were included in the data-mined files but have no designated name to them as of yet. They are a new energy-based weapon, a pistol-class weapon, a supply drop weapon, a launcher, a grenade launcher, and a rocket launcher. 

As for the cosmetics side of the game, it's looking like Respawn will finally be including an ALGS Team Shop in the in-game store. This will feature banner frames of various esports teams that actively participate in the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS). The banner frames are themed after 10 teams so far:

  • 100 Thieves
  • Alliance
  • Cloud9
  • Complexity
  • Na'Vi
  • NRG
  • G2 Esports
  • CrazyRaccoon
  • Team Liquid
  • TSM

There are also new skins on the way for nine different Legends as well as for 10 different weapons in the game. Other cosmetics also include a new badge for ALGS participants, banner poses for Bangalore and Wraith, as well as  Heirlooms for Crypto and Valkyrie.

We will be keeping you updated as we follow along with this massive Apex Legends leak. Sure, data leaks are common in the video game industry but a leak of this magnitude surely warrants a response from Respawn, which has yet to come at the time of writing.

Teh "GravityWillFall" Wi-LiamA failed pro-am gamer turned into a filthy casual with an unhealthy obsession for keyboards and sneakers.