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Dota 2, 10-year anniversary celebration, Treasure of the 10-Year Anniversary

Dota 2's 10th anniversary celebration brings 13 commemorative treasures of yesteryear

A decade after Dota 2 burst out of beta, Valve is celebrating with the community by providing the chance to win an item marking each year since the launch.

In Dota 2 as in life, for long stretches it feels like we are living inside Faceless Void’s Chronosphere as time seems to freeze. But in reality, time is fleeting, and the fleeting time has brought us to Dota 2’s celebration of completing a decade out of beta. Well, the actual 10-year anniversary was on the 13th of July 2023, but Valve chose to begin the celebrations now.

As a part of the 10 year anniversary celebrations, players will be able to claim 13 unique treasures – Treasure of the 10-Year Anniversary. A win gets one treasure, which can also be claimed by two wins in turbo.

What’s in the treasures, you ask? Each treasure will return one item that will take you down memory lane, somewhere from 2011 to 2023. After all, Dota 2 was released in 2011, although the beta ended in 2013.

You have Ursa’s controversial Alpine Stalker set from 2012, Earth Shaker’s Bindings of Deep Magma Totem from 2015, a cinematic effect that makes you feel like you are playing on a CRT in the 90s, and even a golden Tormentor as a token of the recent times.

Now you may be thinking what is the use of bringing these token items back for someone who already has them? Well, all items have been given a touch of razzle dazzle to make them unique for the 10-yearanniversary celebrations.

Players have three weeks to claim their quota of 13 treasures. Now you may be having a bad week in Dota 2, but surely, 13 wins in three weeks is definitely a feasible task! The big question now is whether the treasures are just the start of the celebrations and  there is more to come in the next three weeks, or whether this is pretty much it. If it is only the treasures, it is slightly underwhelming as a 10-year anniversary celebration. But considering Valve delayed the celebrations by a month, there must surely be more in store, right?! We’ll know soon enough.

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.