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Dota 29 years ago

The Arcana Showdown - Grand Finals

image credits: Wykrhm Reddy

This week, we take a look at the final two contenders battling it out for ultimate supremacy and Arcana status.

Last week, we saw Juggernaut winning the vote over Pudge, the community's all-time favourite hero to play in pubs, and the Guardian Wisp winning the vote over the slippery Slark. This week, Juggernaut and Io will face off against each other in the Grand Finals of the Arcana showdown - having reigned supreme through more than a hundred heroes.

Juggernaut, whose Arcana legacy is as old as time itself, carries with him the hopes of carry players all over the world, having been a stable carry in almost all metas and never too weak to be picked, both in public games as well as the competitive scene. In the past, there have been many high-quality cosmetics for Juggernaut, with some of those worth mentioning being Kantusa the Script Sword, the Balance of the Bladekeeper, the Fireborn Odachi, and the Serrakura, to name a few. Even in this year's Immortal Treasure I, Juggernaut had a healing ward cosmetic in Fortune's Tout, available also in the very rare quality of Golden Fortune Tout. Juggernaut, so it seems, has had quite his share of cosmetics, spaced across various slots. Yet, the community is still willing to get him an Arcana, having supported him through thick and thin, and making him reach the grand finals of this year's Arcana Vote.

On the other side stands the community who is campaigning to #MakeWispGreatAgain. This part of the community is one which represents memes, is the last hope for the support players, and challenges Valve to bring out their true aesthetics. A Wisp Arcana definitely would be, however, a tough assignment for the developers that Valve employs. The fact of the matter remains that Wisp, although being one of the top picks in the competitive scene, remains to be a hero who is cosmetic-less, voiceless and shapeless, and is virtually a glowing, floating, illuminating ball of emptiness. 

Where last year's finals were a tough battle between Zeus and Queen of Pain, it would be fair to say that this year's clash is also no exception. Where one side holds Juggernaut who, after timelessly reaching successive semi-finals, has finally managed to make it through to the finals, is backed up by core players all over the world who never hesitate to pick him in their games, and the other side has Io, the Guardian Wisp, whose voters are passionately trying to get his fair share of cosmetics. The time is now, ladies and gentlemen! Register your votes as soon as possible, and keep rooting for the hero you want to receive the exalted Arcana this year! 

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Muhammad "TheHague" Ammar16, wordsmith, excessive sleeper, huge TI3 Alliance fanboy (FeelsBadMan), eat sleep dota repeat :D ... Follow me @TheHagueDota