Ready to "Take Your Team to Higher Level"? I'm sure desRow will help you.
As a part of a series, "Getting Your Team to High Level" is now on its second release. This time,
fnatic.MiSeRy- and
fnatic.Kebap were featured by
desRow. Just click on each name to read the full interview.
Note: The quotations below may not be from the same question.
EVO|syndereN: If you're consistently losing game after game, the way to get out of your slump could be trying some innovative strategies and practicing them a lot.(...) Basically, if you're consistently losing with a certain strategy, it's time for a change.
In my opinion the best thing is to keep the atmosphere and also the ambition high. Because if the team pushes themselves its easier to train more and if you concentrate and train etc. you will be successful again.
I ward depending on how the game is being played, and what heroes we have for those wards. For afkallgame farmers like Fear, you need to have lane wards and sometimes where they TP and another one for the river control so there's no way afkallgame farmers like Fear could ever die or get caught.
I think these problems occur when the skilled player doesn’t respect his team members. Its okay to think that you are better than the rest of the team, but its not okay to let them know in a mean or too arrogant way.
It requires hard work and alot of vegetables to create a innovative strategy, but it's even harder to make it work. Imo teams should play with the heroes they like, all plays better if they play a hero they like.
I'm basically warding on how the game goes, how the team plays. e.g Some Serbian team (not saying names) always TP as 5 to towers, I'm primary placing wards at the towers to see what is going on there. If someone tps or not. When you feel like having moire aggressive lineup, get some wards on the enemy side of the map e.g at the little creep spot at scourge.
The next feature will be in two weeks, make sure you will
send your suggestion for the next questions. Enjoy!
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