These games are quite interesting since they define the moment of the ascension of Creolophus. After a not so promising start dropping some points in a group where he should have gone through easier than he did, Creo showed a great performance versus XlorD. After this he went on to defeat xiaOt and XyLigan to reach the Grand final versus the Human King Sky, where he'd eventually take the title as the WCG Champion.
In the group stage Creo was paired with sLh, APM, HeAveNchiKk, Swift, Blackmoon and Incrediboy. Surprisingly the 4K player lost to both sLh, who'd eventually end in first place, and the Russian player Swift. Many of these games were quite insightful since they showed how the Night Elf superstar improved as the matches passed.
Opening match: Creolophus takes on sLh
Match debut for Creo. He starts at the 10 o' clock position while sLh spawns at 2’. Creo decides to creep his mercenary camp while sLh attacks the upper green camp near his base as both players get the mighty Demon Hunter for first hero, however sLh goes aggressive and tries to creepjack while Creo gets some support from the forest in the form of a Troll Priest. The Polish player puts constant pressure on the Norwegian while he tries to creep his natural expansion. More and more archers come from the green base as Creo starts to lose units, until Darksorrow takes some damage and sLh retreats getting a pair of boots of speed in his way out, which will eventually give him an advantage.
Creo tries to creep again until sLh comes again. Meanwhile the 4K player hits tier 2 and picks the Naga Sea Witch as his second hero and sLh picks the Guardian of the land, the Son of Cenarius, the Keeper of the Grove. Finally the Scandinavian player decides to attack sLh.

After going back to his base and healing Creo tries to creep again, this time with some Talons while sLh techs to Tier 3. Just when it seems that the Norwegian got the advantage, the PGS player starts pumping bears and turns the scale to his favor. Creo loses his Demon Hunter, then his Naga, nothing left to do. Creolophus types GG.

Playoff time: XlorD against 4K^Creolophus
After going through the group stage in the second place, Creo is set to face XlorD. After his not-so-good performance most people thought XlorD was going to get this match for sure. 1-1, third game in Twisted Meadows, winner goes on.
Regular start for XlorD, the Undead goes Death Knight with Ghouls and tries to sabotage the Ancient of War creep. On the other hand Creo picks the Keeper of the Grove as his first hero dismissing the Demon Hunter, which costs him an early hero loss. The German goes for tier 2 while the Norwegian King gets some huntresses. The terror of Northrend, the Gargoyles appear in the Night Elf base and start the usual harassing of the match up, however they found an Ancient Protector guarding a Tree of Life close to become a Tree of Ages.
At the same time Larodar keeps creeping with treants and the future WCG champion gets an expansion properly guarded by yet another Ancient Protector. With his harass being prevented, XlorD finds himself in an uncomfortable position, deciding to get an expansion in the red spot near his base. With a Keeper of the Grove on level 5, Creo gets Panda as his second hero to even out the Death Knight/Lich couple of the German and starts to harass the Undead base with Larodar and Goblins.

With Panda at level 3 Creo launches an attack in both the main base and the expansion.

Creo has the game in the bag with two expansions and XlorD bases almost devastated, but the German doesn’t want to give up, after all it's the World Cyber Games. He tries to rebuild as Larodar and his army, this time with bears, keep the pressure on the Undead base. With tranquility on his side the push is just way too much for the German and he finally types GG.
Quarter final: xiaOt blocking Creo's way
Demon Hunter against Blade Master. Creo takes the offensive while his Ancient of War does the creeping for him. Night Elf picks Beast Master as his second. What it’s really important to point out here is how much Creo's micro has improved since the first game with sLh, now showing it versus an excellent offline player like the Chinese Orc xiaOt.
The Night Elf player puts pressure on the Orc delaying his Beastiary just to buy enough time and tech to tier 3. Once there, the Viking superstar creeps for a while until finally launching his first big time attacks with three heroes (Tinker as third), Talons and a Fairy Dragon, however xiaOt attacks first forcing Creo to use his scroll of town portal, and after the hit and run killing the Tinker, the Chinese goes back too.
Finally the first big battle takes place close to xiaOt’s base after Creo takes down some burrows. With ensnare coming like rain the 4K player has no other option than to flee after being close to lose both his Demon Hunter commander and his master of the wilds, the Beast Master. Creo tries to attack again but ensnaring the Demon Hunter works for xiaOt again producing the same result for the Scandinavian. The Night Elf army takes the lead to attack again, and with the expo up, this time the Druids feel more confident that the attack will be a success and the last Orcish player standing will be out once and for all of the World Cyber Games 2007. The green army goes down, there’s nothing left to do, xiaOt types out.

Semi Final: XyLigan vs. Creolophus
Semi-finals. While Moon and Sky’s match had everyone's attention, the Russian Human and the Mushroom Elf were facing each other in the semis. Dark Ranger for Creo and standard Archmage for XyLigan. As the Russian creeps, the Norwegian builds up a horde of Skeleton Warriors and attacsk for the first time being warded off by the Human soldiers.
The Scandinavian champion goes on the offensive again trying to prevent the east European to get his expansion up in the yellow camp near his base and although some of the humans go down defending the expo it finally arises. However what Xyligan doesn't know is that a Tree of Life was ready at the same time in the upper left green camp.
The human player attacks Creo’s main base with defend which proves to be quite effective against the archers but not so much against the level 2 dark minions, who finally pull Xyligan out not without giving the level 5 to the eventually death Dark Ranger. After picking the Naga as his second hero, the Night Elf army finds itself in a bad position with lores being delayed and the second Russian expansion ready, however that's nothing for a well made group of Glaive Throwers, and to make things worse for the Human when he tries to defend himself he finds quickly overrun by an army of level 3 Dark Minions, but finally when the Mountain King shows up he makes the Night Elf army tp back home. Then Creo Proceeds to launch a siege armada over the expo.

With his army dead and the Night Elf/Undead army putting pressure on him, the Russian desperately tries to call militia to help him in the battle with a couple of Knights, however Creolophus' micro eventually solves the problem taking down the Human Castle. After the Human base is devastated he realized he has to let this one go.

Alter these games Creo was set to face the two times WCG reigning champion, the human king Sky. We all now how this match resulted and if you want to revive it you can do it here at GosuGamers. On a personal note, I wanted Sky to win, but now that Olav said he might reconsider his decision of retirement, having him as the champion is the best thing. Hopefully Creo will be active again, since not the gaming world nor are his team prepared to let this player banish into our memories. Come back Creo and give us a lot more good games.