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Everything you need to know about Vyse, VALORANT's newest Sentinel releasing on August 28

Image: Riot Games

As you can guess from her name, Vyse excels at trapping enemies with her ability to control liquid metal.

VALORANT developer Riot Games has finally unveiled the 26th addition to the game's roster of agents: Vyse! She is a Sentinel that fittingly focuses on isolating, trapping, and disarming her enemies using her uncanny ability to control liquid metal. 

Vyse will become playable on August 28 and will be released together with the next Battle Pass and new skinline as part of Episode 9 Act 2. GosuGamers was able to get early access to Vyse ahead of her release, so read on as we break down everything you need to know about VALORANT's latest agent before she hits the servers:

Vyse's abilities

Arc Rose (E)

EQUIP an Arc Rose. Target a surface and FIRE to place a stealthed Arc Rose, or ALT Fire to place the Arc Rose through it. REUSE to blind all players looking at it. This ability can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.

Shear (C)

EQUIP filaments of liquid metal. FIRE to place a hidden wall trap. When an enemy crosses, an indestructible wall bursts from the ground behind them. The wall lasts for a brief time before dissipating.

Razorvine (Q)

EQUIP a nest of liquid metal. FIRE to launch. Upon landing, the nest becomes invisible. When ACTIVATED, it sprawls out into a large razorvine nest which slows and damages all players who move through it.

[ULT] Steel Garden (X)

EQUIP a bramble of liquid metal. FIRE to send the metal erupting from you as a torrent of metal thorns, JAMMING enemy primary weapons after a brief windup.

How does Vyse play?

As a Sentinel, Vyse offers a lot of flexibility especially when it comes to anchoring key areas and holding off multiple enemies. 

As the only Sentinel so far with a flash ability in Arc Rose, make good use of it to swing in on any enemies caught unawares. It is more effective when pre-placed, so coordinate with your teammates at the start of rounds of how you want to hold your areas to maximise its effectiveness.

Shear is particularly useful for site hits, as it cannot be destroyed by enemy agents, unlike most Sentinel utility. Players trying to pressure a well-prepared Vyse anchoring a site will have to constantly second-guess how to coordinate their approach knowing a Shear may be lurking somewhere. 

Razorvine is another versatile ability, useful for either locking down a site or applying pressure on enemies defending one. As with Vyse's other abilities, this works best when properly coordinated with her teammates. Keep in mind that, no matter how good Vyse is at locking down the enemy team, she can't take them all down by herself and will need additional firepower from allied agents.

Vyse's most intriguing ability is undoubtedly her ultimate, Steel Garden. As it prevents enemies from using their primary weapons, it gives Vyse players the opportunity to have more economic impact than most other agents. If Vyse has her ultimate ready, it enables her team to punch up during eco/light-buy rounds or force the enemy team into spending more on their secondary weapons to minimise its effect.

With that said, Vyse lacks some of the information tools that the current meta Sentinels have, so make sure your teammates' agent picks can pick up the slack. Of course, your team can also go with the double Sentinel setup that has been growing in popularity as of late depending on your team's needs depending on your agent composition and map picks.

Recent changes to the duelist ecosystem and players' willingness to experiment with double sentinel have opened up new compositions and ways to address VALORANT’s map puzzles. Our hope is that adding a flash to the Sentinel role will continue to facilitate diverse compositions across the board as players theorize what tools they need to bring, or leave behind, on each map.

Vyse is set to be VALORANT's 26th agent and will become playable on August 28. She will be released alongside the next Battle Pass and new skinline as part of VALORANT Episode 9 Act 2.
