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Murash Gaming's million has apologised for bad sportsmanship in the recent VCJ match

At least he didn't teabag him.

In a recent VCJ Split 2 - Advance Stage match between Murash Gaming and IGZIST in Group C of the upper bracket semifinals, Yuto "million" Ueno of Murash was caught on the live stream spraying his bullets against the corpse of his opponent. This occurred at the end of round eight in the first series, in which Murash lost 2-0 to IGZIST.

Million has since taken to Twitter to apologise for his actions, which were a violation of the tournament rules. Since posting it, the tweet has garnered close to five million views. Million has also gone on to say that "I won't do corpse shooting anymore because it seems that it's against the rules of the VCJ tournament! I'm sorry."

In any first-person shooter, shooting an opponent's lifeless body or teabagging it are just two of the many forms of disrespect and bad sportsmanship that a player can show towards an opponent. This has been around since the earliest days of competitive video games that were being played online. While not many have resorted to shooting an opponent's dead body, many have gone as far as to teabag incessantly.

Murash Gaming qualified for the VCJ Split 2 - Advance Stage from the open qualifiers but could not make it past IGZIST after a clean 2-0 sweep. This led to them dropping to the lower bracket, where they eventually lost 2-0 to Focus e-Sports. The top six teams from the Advance Stage will qualify for the Split 2 Main Event of the VCJ, which is the second tier of professional VALORANT in Japan.

The land of the rising sun has seen a huge spike in competitive esports over the last few years, especially when it comes to FPS titles. The likes of VALORANT and even Apex Legends have seen plenty of professional Japanese players coming through the system and putting on a show at international tournaments. Even Riot Games' other popular title, League of Legends' LJL has a cult-like following for certain teams and players.

Japan will be playing host to the upcoming VCT Masters in Tokyo later this year, given the nation's rise to prominence in the competitive esports scene. This will take place from June 11 - 25 featuring 12 teams from the VCT Americas, EMEA, and Pacifics as well as two representatives from China.

Teh "GravityWillFall" Wi-LiamA failed pro-am gamer turned into a filthy casual with an unhealthy obsession for keyboards and sneakers.