As expected, We Haz Asian will not attend THOR Open as they can't afford the travel expenses. Team qojqva,the team that grabbed the last qualifier spot will not be attending either.
The German-Danish mix We Haz Asian will not travel to Stockholm. Previous to Dreamhack Winter, the team had lost its sponsor and had to pay all travel expenses to Jönköping themselves. They tried finding a new sponsor to travel to Stockholm, without any success.
We are really sorry to tell you that we can't attend Thor Open. We qualified as the first team for this event and we were really excited about this Lan and hoped to place really good there. Nevertheless after all those troubles with H2k and Dreamhack qualifications, we are unable to participate at Thor Open due to financial problems. During and after Dreamhack we tried to find a solution to go to Stockholm, unfortunately without success. We still have no sponsor but we hope this will change in the future! Shoutout to our friends and fans! You are great!
With Team qojqva forfeiting their spot as well, stating personal reasons, Out of Tangoes and Gam.DotA, two Swedish teams, will be competing in the tournament. Out of Tangoes have already attended Dreamhack Winter and recently won in Fit4Gaming's Monthly Masters, whereas Gam.DotA is rather unknown.
Overall, three teams had to be replaced for the THOR Open, seeing as Virtus.Pro faced visa issues and got replaced by 4Friends+Chrillee.
*UPDATE: ROOT Gaming will not be playing with their full roster during the event. They will be playing with two stand-ins from the newly formed Svenhunterz, Taku and ddx will be replaced by chw and GoAudio.
List of participating teams:

Source: fragbite.se