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14 years ago

Interview with KD-Gaming manager, DreamsOfSin

Last month, KD-Gaming announced a new HoN team filled with experienced DotA players. Since then, they've won the GosuCup HoN #1 Qualifier and are still going strong in the HoN Super Series Opening Cup. We had the chance to talk to the manager of KD.HoN, Andre "DreamsOfSin" du Toit.

Please introduce yourself, and tell us a bit about your history in competitive gaming.

I'm Andre du Toit, and I've been in competitive HoN since the end of beta. I've also played in clan miNt Gaming as support. Then when the clan broke up, I decided to quit competitive HoN for a while, until i got the management position in KD.HoN.

Congratulations to you and your team on winning last week's GosuCup HoN #1 EU Qualifier! After losing the first game in the finals to unZ, you guys came back and won 2-1. What did you think of the series?

It was a great experience for the guys. They are still in the stage of growing as a team, and i think the more they play, the more they will get into the winning motion. I personally think they can be top-rated if they want to; it just requires hard work and devotion.

And they'll be put to the test soon against the best teams in HoN, looking forward to the GosuCup HoN #1 group stage and further down the bracket in the HoN Super Series. What are your expectations for your team in those two events?

I think the team will at least make it to the semi-finals of the HoN Super Series. They have got some work to do, but they can do it. The GosuCup I'm not so sure of, because I haven't seen the bracket yet, so it will be interesting to see who we face off against. But I'm sure they can end in the Top 4.

What's the general mood like between the team members? Who are the leaders on the team?

All of us on the team are really laid back, and there's no conflict at all. They all get along splendidly and can agree and disagree on certain things, without causing commotion. As for the leaders, it's mostly DeMeNt` taking the lead. With his DotA experience and play, he's the man for the job. But someone else who should be mentioned is pash; he seems to have some leadership qualities as well.

Comparing the HoN scene and the DotA scene, what's the good and the bad of each? What do you see in the future for each of them?

Well, the DotA scene will always be there. Most of the pros in DotA are staying true to it and not moving to other forms of the game like HoN. The DotA scene will always be there, especially with the release of the much anticipated DotA 2 this year. As for the HoN scene, some players are going to DotA 2 and some are staying for HoN, but this doesn't mean the scene will die. It just means it might be a little less popular.

Well thanks very much for the interview, Andre, and good luck to KD.HoN! Any shoutouts or anything else you'd like to add?

Thanks; we appreciate the support very much. And yea, shoutout to all my South African friends, my team with new additions LoLQoP, Wehsing, and SMaK_, and last, shoutout to all my university buddies.

Links - KD-Gaming