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LoL6 years ago

Problems With Irelia and Potential Fixes by Irelia Carries U

Problems with Irelia:

Passive: I actually think this part is fine, the problem is how well it synergizes with conqueror, which likely means that the rune could potentially be altered since its so problematic only on a few champions (eg. jax and irelia)

Problems with her Q:

Her Q is way too easy to reset on minions now. It used to be much harder but the damage going up from 70% to 100% is an understated buff. It makes it much easier to stack up your passive or to outplay people. It has the same damage as old Irelia Q on minions while also increasing with passive stacks, when you get an item like tiamat, it makes it even easier to outplay people. The sustain is actually quite good in a 1v1. People don’t notice it much because it is such a small amount on a SINGULAR Q. However, when you are fighting in a minion wave you can Q up to 4-6 times easily with tiamat which at that point her Q heals 13 per each cast (tiamat+level 6+). This means that your hp bar is very deceptive. Not to mention that if you land your E and R it means another 3 Q’s on your opponent. This means that if they are fighting in THEIR minion wave you can effectively heal 100+ HP, only increasing with time. It is such an underrated part of her kit and I think looking into this and nerfing/removing it would take away a lot of hidden power.

Problems with W:

I think this skill needs to be reworked in some way. It is too strong vs mages and burst champions while not being as strong vs auto-attack orientated champions. It is also uninterruptible which makes sense design wise because she roots her self, but I feel like the self-root does not matter much because you can gapclose right after using it with her Q. Adding a delay to it would mean that she would be very clunky but if it were changed in some way so that it doesn’t make her turret dives and fights vs burst champions as annoying, it would be in a fine spot. I think something like making her W block auto-attacks instead of a 50% damage reduction would make it healthier since it would allow people to burst her and make her tower dives a lot more risky.

Problems with E:

I think this ability is fine early on, however, the CD on it feels way too short once u max it out. Its an aoe stun that marks multiple people, it shouldn’t be on such a short CD later in the game especially with how prevalent CDR builds are now, its CD should be 12 seconds not 10.

Problems with R:

I don’t think there is a big problem with this ability, it isn’t very long range and it is not a ridiculous slow and the disarm only lasts 1.5s and people have to walk through the blade wall. Potentially the mark could be removed from the ult so that it might be a more powerful ability on its own.