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LoL9 years ago

Kindred's Mark on competitive

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Kindred is making her mark on the pro scene over in Korea. What exactly makes them such a contested pick in the jungle.

Professionals and the community generated mixed opinions about Kindred. While there those who agree Kindred is weak, there also exists a group that state Kindred is strong. It is understandable why some would think Kindred is weak. The meta is currently dominated primarily by tanky skirmish junglers who gank with good early game power. Kindred's mark is made not through amazing ganks but through strong objective clearing and solid burst and nice damage output into the mid and late game. Kindred currently sits at a 100% pick/ban rate in KeSPA and a 80% win rate.

Why pick Kindred
Their overall biggest strength is their capabilities concerning objective control. Kindred's passive "Mark of the Kindred” is their biggest tool in quickly securing objectives. Kindred can potentially initiate a Baron at 20 minutes with only a single tank. As seen in game one of  Najin eM Fire vs Rebels Anarchy, only Malphite and Kindred were fighting the baron while rest of the team played decoys around the 30 minute mark.

In Addition to their strong objective control, Kindred has mobility and survivability. Kindred's mobility comes from their Dance of Arrows, an ability with a two second cooldown inside the zone Wolf’s frenzy creates. This makes Their objective control effectiveness go through the roof because counter jungling becomes both easier and safer. While Kindred's survivability is dependant on their mobility, their ultimate, Lambs Respite is another tool for their survivability. Lamb’s Respite makes every champion inside the zone unkillable for a certain time. Once Lamb's Respite ends everyone in the zone is healed for an amount. This a huge boon to a marksman who often times is asking for a few extra seconds to even the odds.

Kindred in Season 6
Next season Kindred will not be as strong as they are for a few reasons. First Kindred will be facing some nerfs in an upcoming patch. Their passive will receive a cap on monsters. Alongside an upcoming health regeneration cut making them less durable in the jungle. Moreover with that is the introduction of the Rift Herald, who takes 35% less damage from ranged attacks, will make Kindred less effective.

Kindred is a very strong champion that is going to stay a contested pick for a long time to come. While nerfs and season 6 changes will see Kindred dip in the pick and ban rate, they will stay a solid and valid champion pick in the jungle.