If you're simply interested in spoiler-free VODs:
EDG vs. YG Game 1
EDG vs. YG Game 2
WE vs. SHRC Game 1
WE vs. SHRC Game 2
W3D1 English Broadcast
* These games were played on patch 4.9.
MVP Scores
MVP Score / Kills / Assists / Deaths / KDA / Gold / CS
Match Context: Edward Gaming seems to be rapidly improving, although they no longer top the league. While Young Glory's performance may have seemed powerful in the context of LSPL, they need to pull out some impressive upsets to avoid becoming the laughingstock at the bottom of the LPL standings.
- YG's composition focused on picks with many tools to lock a single target down.
- EDG's composition focused on strong AoE and skirmishes where Karthus's defile and Namei's AoE could dismantle the opposition after ClearLove and Fzzf engage, while Koro zones out whatever threat is on the outside.
- Young Glory start the game with an early level 1-3 dragon rush, but doesn't go undetected. EDG come for first blood, two kills, and for the dragon steal.
- Young Glory had decently deep warding an pick opportunities despite their disadvantage, but could never quite pull one off.
- As vision dissipated for Young Glory and their team was not strong enough, EDG continued to take free dragons. However, towers were taken very late into this game. Young Glory even got the first tower.
- U's global presence on Karthus helps secure multiple extra kills for EDG while simultaneously applying pressure mid.
- EDG were able to cleanly close out the game.
- YG's composition was capable of waveclearing to stall for their late-game hypercarries in Vayne in Jax.
- EDG's capabilities revolved around easy picks and ganks to establish early control and end before YG's threats become huge.
- Aggressive early movements from YG allowed for them to wait in a brush in ClearLove's jungle and acquire first blood onto Jax.
- EDG's bottom lane played ultra aggressive onto Young Glory, resulting in a kill for Namei's Lucian but a teleport kill for Jax, making him 2-0 in 4 minutes.
- EDG roamed aggressively as a team very early for objectives and jungle control to alleviate YG's scaling potential.
- YG remained aggressive with their invasion attempts and fighting.
- Both teams appear to have stepped it up in terms of warding.
- Late game, EDG played out the game better and took a turret lead and first inhibitor.
- YG's attempt at a comeback through baron was shattered by ClearLove and EDG took the game.
Match Context: While this isn't to the same scale as World Elite vs. Edward Gaming, World Elite and Starhorn Royal Club still have quite the rivalry from an organizational standpoint due to the "upset" that brought Royal Club into Worlds. World Elite's management were the first to implement Korean infrastucture and players into China with StarHorn Royal Club following up.
As a result, this face-off actually involves four Korean players, including the popular ex-KT Bullets jungler InSec. World Elite hold the top spot in the standings for LPL, but now that Uzi has a powerful support and Royal's solo lanes can hold their own, they look to contest World Elite for that spot.
- WE's composition was capable of wombo combos leading off Conan's Leona engage while utilizing Lulu's ultimate on Kha'zix for CC.
- SHRC's focus was to have enough threats and presence so Kog'Maw could freely do damage with Nami being the sole peel and engage follow up for the team.
- Sloppy Lee Sin play puts WE behind.
- WE's lane swap top gives SHRC a free very early dragon.
- Caomei utilizes top Gragas for an easy 2v1 matchup.
- A four man dive puts Weixiao ahead of Uzi and WE overall ahead of SHRC despite the early dragon.
- World Elite stayed quite far ahead during the mid-game by staying up 4-0 in kills by 18 minutes and staying up in towers while taking objectives.
- World Elite close out a nearly perfect game, losing only one tower and giving up no kills until the very end. Weixiao became absurdly fed while InSec ended up "Feeding".
- SHRC's composition required strong early leads to prevent World Elite's late-game picks from scaling.
- InSec's jungle gets pressured immediately and World Elite end up stealing his elder lizard buff.
- At a little over 8 minutes in, Starhorn grabs the first dragon for free as well as a prior first tower, staying 2k ahead in gold.
- Unlike prior weeks where WE dominated the baron pit, they lost both "first dragons" against SHRC.
- WE pick a poor fight at dragon, causing their team to be demolished and bringing the gold gap even further apart in favor of SHRC.
- SHRC stayed far ahead, showing World Elite making poor choices repeatedly in attempting to crawl back.
- Late game, WE attempts said picks, but were too far behind for it to do any good.
- SHRC finish closing out the game by capitalizing on WE's sloppy play. SHRC reversed the results from World Elite in the prior game.
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