“Greetings from Gadgetzan,“ simply reads the promo image.
With a “what’s next?” Hearthstone panel scheduled for the opening day of Blizzcon on November 4, Blizzard’s card game is almost sure to be getting a new pack expansion, judging by their yearly rotation. And it looks like it could be Goblin themed.
A promo post on Blizzard’s social media yesterday had the infamous Goblin capitl city with a sign reading “Greetings from Gadgetzan. It’s as clean as it is safe!” No further explanation or words were given, but with Blizzcon around the corner, it made sense that it’s a tease to the new content.
What’s more, a few days before that image went out, Reddit user BillHicksBoiii had done some domain scouting and stumbled upon gadgetzan.com, registered by [email protected] in the same fashion that karazhan.com foreshadowed the announcement of the One Night in Karazhan adventure.
If Gadgetzan is indeed the new theme for Hearthstone’s next expansion, we are looking at another Goblin-centric content after Goblins versus Gnomes. GvG, which launched in December 2014, introduced a new minion type mech and made heavy use of RNG mechanics, giving the game some of its most used staples, such as [card]piloted shredder[/card], [card]dr boom[/card] and [card]antique healbot[/card].