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Hearthstone8 years ago

Decklist spotlight: All decks from the EU Summer Championship

Europe will have its third champion of 2016 on Sunday. These are the decklists that the eight qualified players will be using this weekend.

The third of the regional championships is scheduled to begin this Saturday, September 24, having Europe’s best players from the HCT circuit gathered in LA for the Summer Championship. As usual, it’s a Best of 7 single elimination Conquest to select the winner who will go home $25,000 richer and seeded into Hearthstone’s crown event: the Blizzcon World Championship.

The decks of the eight participants have already been released and follow the very familiar metagame distribution: Every single player is bringing some sort of Druid, Warrior and Shaman but that’s just on the face of it. Control Warriors have pushed out Dragons as the Garrosh build of choice, while Shamans have a five-to-three split between Aggro and Midrange, the latter not playing any [card]flamewreathed faceless[/card]es at all.

The third most popular class in the pre-Karazhan meta was usually Warlock, but now we see it replaced by Hunter. Rexxar’s new additions like [card]kindly grandmother[/card] and [card]barnes[/card] have done a lot for the class’ popularity and it’s present in six of the eight line-ups. Rogues are also having their numbers increased – used by a total of eight players – beating the quite popular in the Americas metagame Mages. To no surprise, there isn’t a single Priest in the tournament.

To see the decklists, click on the players’ names below. You can find more top decks from tournaments and ladder in our deck archives.

Germany CerasiFrance DizdemonUnited Kingdom GeorgecUkraine DrHippi
MalyYogg DruidMalyYogg DruidToken DruidToken Druid
Midrange HunterMidrange HunterFreeze MageTempo Mage
Aggro ShamanAggro ShamanAggro ShamanMidrange Shaman
DiscardLockMiracle RogueMidrange HunterMiracle Rogue
N'Zoth Warrior
N'Zoth Warrior
Control Warrior
Dragon Warrior
Ukraine GrayjPoland ikealyouGreece LikeabawseGermany Viper
Token DruidMalyYogg DruidMalyYogg DruidMalyYogg Druid
Anyfin PaladinMiracle RogueDiscardLockFreeze Mage
Midrange ShamanAggro ShamanAggro ShamanMidrange Shaman
Midrange HunterMidrange HunterMidrange HunterMiracle Rogue
Control WarriorControl WarriorN'Zoth WarriorDragon Warrior