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Hearthstone10 years ago

53 Goblins vs Gnomes cards revealed by Blizzard

Yes, you read that correctly. All remaining Goblins vs Gnomes cards have been revealed.

It is a good day to be a Hearthstone fan. The rest of the Goblins vs Gnomes cards have been revealed, and the amount of pirates, murlocs, and cool legendary cards have everybody theory crafting on what new decks will emerge. I for one am totally in the Shaman Murloc camp and who knows, with the recent card nerfs it make actually be an option. We can save card discussion for another day, it's time to see some new cards!

The warrior legendary card is punishing, exciting and creates interesting tension your opponent must play around. After playing this card, you are essentially informing your opponent that they are at 10 less life than what appears on their life total, as every turn they run the risk of losing the game outright if they reach the 10 HP threshold. It has a decent body sure, but the Battlecry might be exactly what a control warrior needs to finish a long, grindy game. Also important to note, when the Mine card is drawn and explodes, I'm assuming they don't get to draw again so this is the first card to actively deny your opponents a card draw. Seems powerful!

Pretty perfect depiction of a Dreadlord turned Hearthstone card. The buff to demons is a nice touch, but I don't see it coming into play very often. The spoiler has revealed some more demon cards (I especially like the Mistress of Pain card) but Mal'Ganis as a legendary means he isn't the most reliable activator. The true power of this card is the "hero is immune" text, which is very cool and essentially gives Mal'Ganis taunt. This is a special taunt however, and even direct damage spells must his him before they hit face. Handlock will probably play this card.

If it doesn't get silenced, polymorphed, or removed without triggering it's Deathrattle, Malorne will keep coming back to dish out 9 points of painful antler fury. This is a very vanilla minion, but playing one of them does gain tremendous value if the match goes long and grindy. I can't say this is strictly better than [card]War Golem[/card] as there are scenarios in which this will backfire (and the beast type has a new weakness in the form of a new neutral legendary) but It does have a better shot of seeing constructed play. This card is, however, an Arena all star!

If this card said anything but Murlocs it would be extremely busted, however Murlocs are pretty weak so it is just a tiny bit busted. Seriously though, I think adding 4 of anything to your hand is extremely powerful, especially because cost wise this is exactly like a [card]War Golem[card] only you get cards for free. The overload is expensive, but not bad enough to not play the card. As I mentioned earlier, I hope the Shaman Murloc deck becomes a thing, because this next card...

The value is insane! Murlocs die all the time! Move over [card]Cult Master[/card], Siltfin Spiritwalker is the new hotness.

Not sure how I feel about the mage Legendary. The [card]War Golem[/card] comparison can not be ignored, as this might actually be worse than the neutral common. Not only does it telegraph to the opponent what is in your hand, but it is an unpredictable source of 2 damage aoe. It could wipe your board, it could kill you, it could do a lot of bad things. On the other hand, it could also do the same things to your opponent, but the unpredictable nature of it's effect seems way to dicey.

And lastly, I wanted to leave you all with what might be my new favorite card. Nothing says all in with pirates like a 4/1 for 2, and the possibility of actually cheating through 4 points of damage via constant re-stealths with a card that has cheat printed in it's name is to flavorful and cool for me too ignore. Rogue pirate deck? I hope so.

What do you think of the Goblin vs Gnome cards? Pirate or Murloc? If you haven't seen the blizzard released list yet, check out Blizzards Facebook page here.