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Honkai: Star Rail 2.5: Feixiao best build, gear, and teams
Entertainment6 months ago

Honkai: Star Rail 2.5: Feixiao best build, gear, and teams

Honkai: Star Rail version 2.5 is finally here and with it comes the release of a new top-tier 5-star DPS character: the Arbiter-General of the Xianzhou Yaoqing, Feixiao!

Feixiao wields the Wind element and follows the Path of the Hunt, specialising in dishing out tons of single-target damage with her powerful ultimate and frequent follow-up attacks. If you were lucky enough to have pulled Feixiao, read on as we break down how to best build her as well as her best gear and teams.

Feixiao’s kit is built around her ultimate, Terrasplit, and her Talent, Thunderhunt. Similar to Acheron, Feixiao does not have an energy bar and instead charges up her ultimate with the ‘Flying Aureus’ stacks from her Talent.

Feixiao receives 1 stack of Flying Aureus for every 2 attacks unleashed by her or her allies. She can activate her ultimate when Flying Aureus reaches 6 stacks and can accumulate up to a maximum of 12 stacks, letting her use two ultimates in quick succession in certain situations.

In addition, Feixiao’s Talent lets her unleash a follow-up attack against the primary target of her allies’ attacks while also increasing her own DMG for 2 turns afterwards. If there is no target available to attack, then Feixiao will use her follow-up attack on a single random enemy instead. This effect can only trigger once per turn and the trigger count resets at the start of Feixiao’s turn.

Activating Feixiao’s ultimate lets her unleash a flurry of 6 powerful attacks against a single target before throwing out an even bigger finisher. All of Feixiao’s ultimate attacks can reduce enemy Toughness regardless of their elemental weakness, with Feixiao’s Weakness Break Efficiency also being buffed if the enemy is not Weakness Broken.

Meanwhile, Feixiao’s skill, Waraxe, will be her primary way of generating Flying Aureus stacks for herself as it lets her attack a single target then unleash her Talent’s follow-up attack on it immediately afterwards. 

Feixiao’s major Traces, on the other hand, improves her acquisition of Flying Aureus stacks while also letting her generate some powerful self buffs. 

Feixiao’s A2 Trace, Heavenpath, lets her start battles with 3 Flying Aureus stacks and unleash her Talent’s follow-up attack at the start of her turn if it wasn’t activated in the previous turn. Her A4 Trace, Formshift, makes it so that her ultimate will be considered a follow-up attack while also increasing the Crit DMG of all her follow-up attacks by 36%. And then her A6 Trace, Boltcatch, gives her a massive 48% ATK buff for 3 turns after using her skill.

Finally, Feixiao’s Technique, Stormborn, lets her enter the ‘Onrush’ state that causes her to move faster and pull in enemies in a maelstrom around her for 20 seconds. Starting a battle with Feixiao’s Technique active lets her gain 1 stack of Flying Aureus while also dealing massive damage to all enemies at the start of each wave.

When levelling up Feixiao’s abilities, prioritise her ultimate first, Talent second, and skill third – though you’d want to max them all out eventually. You can also refrain from leveling up her normal attacks if you want to save on resources as she won’t really be using them.

Using Feixiao in battle is fairly straightforward. Just focus on dishing out as many attacks as possible on high-priority targets to generate Flying Aureus stacks, then activate her ultimate once it’s available to either deal a ton of damage or outright finish enemies off.

Feixiao’s best gear

Light Cones

Feixiao’s best Light Cone is, of course, her signature, I Venture Forth to Hunt, which gives her a good amount of Crit Rate while also letting her ultimate ignore a portion of her target’s DEF. 

Her best 5-star alternative will be Dr. Ratio’s signature, Baptism of Pure Thought, which gives her a lot of Crit DMG while also giving her ultimate DEF Ignore capabilities. 

If you don’t have any limited 5-star Light Cones, then just go with Cruising in the Stellar Sea, which gives her a lot of Crit Rate and a significant ATK buff after defeating an enemy. This Light Cone is also her best free-to-play option as it can be acquired and Superimposed to S5 for free through the Simulated Universe’s Herta Store.

If you have no 5-star Light Cones available, then your best 4-star options are SwordplayFinal Victor, and Return to Darkness.


Feixiao’s go-to Cavern of Corrosion relic set is the 4-piece Wind-Soaring Valorous set, which gives her 12% ATK, 6% Crit Rate, and increases the damage of her ultimate by 36% for 1 turn after using a follow-up attack.

For her Planar Ornament relics, go with the 2-piece Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves set, which increases the DMG of her follow-up attacks by up to 50% after all party members unleash a total of 5 follow-up attacks.

The main stats you should go for Feixiao’s relics are Crit Rate for the body, Speed or ATK% for the feet, Wind DMG Bonus for the Planar Ornament, and ATK% for the Link Rope. Substats to aim for are Crit Rate/DMG, ATK, and Speed. 

Feixiao’s best teammates

Feixiao’s ideal party composition will see her run alongside a Sub DPS, a Harmony or Nihility support, and a sustain support. However, you can also run a second Sub DPS in place of the sustain support if you are confident that you can defeat enemies faster than they can take down your party.

The Sub DPS slot in a Feixiao team should ideally be a follow-up character as their multiple attacks per turn and tendency to build high Speed stats will greatly accelerate her generation of Flying Aureus stacks. The best Sub DPS for Feixiao will be Topaz with Hunt March 7th and Moze as 4-star alternatives or as secondary Sub DPS picks.

The go-to support for a Feixiao team is Robin for her party-wide DMG buffs and her ultimate’s ability to advance the entire party’s actions while also dishing out a lot of damage of her own. You can also go with Sparkle or Bronya as Harmony supports, though they won’t buff the entire party or deal as much personal damage as Robin.

Nihility supports you can also run in a Feixiao team include Silver Wolf and Pela for their ability to reduce the enemy’s DEF.

As for the sustain support slot, your best bet will be Aventurine as he generates the best shields in the game while also dishing out frequent follow-up attacks to help with Flying Aureus stack generation. If you don’t have Aventurine, we recommend going with Gallagher  for his strong healing and giving him high Speed to help gain more stacks.

Feixiao is one of the four limited 5-stars available to pull in the first half of Honkai: Star Rail version 2.5 alongside an all-new triple rerun banner for Kafka, Black Swan, and Robin. If you’re still torn on which 5-star to pull for, we can help you decide.

Honkai: Star Rail version 2.5 released on September 10 with three new playable characters in Feixiao, Lingsha, and Moze as well as tons of other new content, including a special triple rerun banner in the first half of the version featuring Kafka, Black Swan, and Robin. For more information on what's to come in Honkai: Star Rail version 2.5, check here.

Arianne "YanKu" BlancoFull time gamer, writer, and cat parent.