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Natlan is looking like Genshin Impact’s best Archon Quest yet
General3 weeks ago

Natlan is looking like Genshin Impact’s best Archon Quest yet

Genshin Impact has always followed a formulaic plot when it comes to its Archon Quests, but not this time.

What’s the formula, you ask? Well:

First, a quick overview into the nation’s customs by introducing a lovable character. Second, give a sneak peek into the conflict by causing a minor incident. Third, be coerced into aiding the nation from averting the catastrophe by said lovable character. Fourth, come face to face with the nation’s Archon (who is either with you or against you, for now!). Fifth, expose the antagonist of the quest as either the Abyss Order or the Fatui Harbingers. And finally, sixth, have you ultimately single-handedly rescue the nation from complete and utter annihilation. 

However, Natlan’s Archon Quest barely employed any of this plot formula, and it’s made this nation’s story one of the best ones Genshin Impact has told yet – and we’re just at the beginning. 

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Natlan’s Archon Quests Chapter V Act I “Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn” and Act II “Black Stone under a White Stone”. Read with caution, you have been warned~ 

To be worthy of being called a hero…

Much of Natlan’s Archon Quest revolved around the concept of “heroism” and the power that comes with it – are you a hero because you were simply given that power by the gods, or are you a hero because you did everything in your power to be worthy of the title? 

Natlan barely followed the known plot formula for Genshin Impact. Of course we still had the lovable introductory character in Kachina, but this Archon Quest took its time to let us grow attached to the people and their history by allowing us to discover and mingle with them and their traditions. We learned a whole lot about how the people of Natlan viewed their culture, their Saurian companions, their thoughts on glory and war, and even the importance of their “Ancient Name”.

The “Ancient Name” seems to take a huge inspiration from real life history – specifically the tradition of rich oral history which is passed down from generation to generation, telling the stories of valiant heroes and civilizations. In Genshin Impact, the “Ancient Name” is a legacy that tells a long history of heroes who have held the name in the past, and will be continued by those living in the present.

Here, the internal struggle that Kachina introduces is made relevant to the entirety of the quest: “is someone like me truly deserving of an Ancient Name? Am I really worthy of being a hero?” 

Truly, what makes a hero? I believe that Mavuika, Natlan’s current Pyro Archon, showed it best: through sacrifice and selflessness. 

Throughout Act I and II, we saw tidbits of the total gravity of Mavuika’s sacrifices for her nation. First, through giving up her power to continue fuelling Natlan’s Sacred Flame after duking it out with the Fatui Harbinger Capitano, and second, through sacrificing her beloved mementos of friends and family to generate Contending Fire, allowing her to save us from being trapped in the Night Kingdom. 

However, that’s not all of what Mavuika has done. Similar to Furina’s 500-year performance to save Fontaine, Mavuika has been executing a plan 500 years in the making. 

… And save a nation…

Truth be told, Mavuika once stood as Natlan’s Archon in the past, back in the age of Khaenri’ah’s downfall 500 years ago. 

During this time, the Abyss also executed attacks against each of the seven nations while the Heavenly Principles aimed to wipe Khaenri’ah off of the map. However, since Natlan had no solid connections to the leylines, the nation suffered greatly until Tenoch, a once polarising exiled figure, stood to the occasion and unified all of Natlan’s tribes to conquer the Abyss alongside Mavuika.

The fighting was not all for naught – the heroes did push back the Abyss and saved their nation, albeit barely. As Mavuika said, after the battle, Natlan was destitute, and the Wayob and Sacred Flame could only keep the disaster at bay for 500 years at most. With this knowledge in mind, Mavuika decided to place her life within the Sacred Flame so that she may resurrect at the right time, when all the pieces fall into their right places, to save her nation once and for all. 

But Mavuika not only sacrificed her life for her people – to give up your life for a greater purpose means to turn your back against the people you love. In doing so, Mavuika severed her connections to her beloved family, and could only look towards the future. And now, with 4 of the 6 heroes ready to take the call, everything is falling into place for Mavuika’s plan to finally come to fruition. 

… A noble sacrifice has to be made. 

So what’s in store for the future Archon Quests? Well, we’ll have to enter the realm of speculation. 

A big part of the mystery regarding Natlan is the fact that the Traveler cannot resonate with the Pyro element. I suspect it has something to do with the ongoing theme of “worth and distinction”- yet another point that makes Natlan’s Archon Quest a cut above the rest. This time around, the Traveler isn’t blessed with the power to become a hero, they aren’t coerced to save a nation, and most of all: they’re not going to do it alone. 

Mavuika said so herself, the Traveler is a welcome addition to their forces due to their ability to purify abyssal corruption, a factor that can turn the tides to their favour. This time though, instead of teetering between coercion and desperation, the Traveler themself declare their intention to save the people of Natlan. 

With Mavuika opening the possibility of forging an Ancient Name for the Traveler, something that has never been done before, and insinuating that with the Ancient Name the Traveler can be revived if they fall from battle, it looks like a noble sacrifice has to be made. 

Maybe in the struggle to purify the Abyssal Energy within the night realm the Traveler has to make a choice. The Traveler must find a way to prove themself. We'll have to see. 

And what about the Fatui Harbinger Il Capitano? Although most of the intentions behind his arrival to Natlan are shrouded in complete obscurity, it seems like he will play a huge part in future installations of Natlan’s Archon Quest, but as a friend or a foe we are still yet to know. Although I do have a feeling that his secretive Accomplice from the Masters of the Night-Wind tribe will play a bigger role than what was let on.

Genshin Impact 5.0 is here! Featuring the new region of Natlan, the update includes three new characters in Mualani, Kinich, and Kachina, as well as tons of other content. The newest version also comes with more generous rewards for players, including tons of Primogems for completing Archon Quests and a free standard 5-star character for every anniversary of the game moving forward.

Genshin Impact version 5.0 will also play host to the game's fourth anniversary on September 28. This year's slate of anniversary rewards for players also includes one free standard 5-star character of their choice. If you're wondering which free standard 5-star to get, here's our recommendation.

Arianne "YanKu" BlancoFull time gamer, writer, and cat parent.

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