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Genshin Impact: Which free standard 5-star should you get?
Entertainment7 months ago

Genshin Impact 4th Anniversary: Best free 5-star character to choose in 2024

Genshin Impact’s 4th anniversary is chock full of rewards, and the best one yet is the free standard 5-star selector. 

It only seemed like yesterday when the Genshin Impact community would get up in arms to express their discontent for the game’s anniversary rewards. I mean, who could ever forget about the infamous review-bombing saga and fallen Qiqi memes of its first anniversary? 

However, it seems like the controversies are now far behind Genshin Impact, as the rewards coming with the game's fourth anniversary on September 28 has finally made fans reconsider their favourite adage of “Genshin could never”, because HoYoverse has proven that indeed, “Genshin can.”

In celebration of Genshin Impact’s 4th year anniversary, players will now be able to select a free standard 5-star character of their own choosing – and it’s not only just this one time! The free standard 5-star selector will be a staple event for every anniversary of Genshin Impact going forward. Players can choose from a pool that consists of: Jean, Diluc, Mona, Qiqi, Tighnari, or Dehya. The pool will then be further updated in future anniversaries. 

This is massive news, especially for new players who are stuck in early game without another 5-star to fill the roster. Who should you pick? Who’s the strongest out of all of them? We’ve ranked all the free standard 5-star characters from worst to best. Read on and find out!


  • Element: Pyro
  • Role: Sub/DPS
  • Weapon: Claymore

It’s not a surprise that Dehya is at the bottom of our list. Dehya has arguably one of the worst, clunkiest, and most inconvenient kits ingame. Admittedly, the downsides outmatch Dehya’s perks as a character, which is a detriment to both newbie and veteran players alike. 

Dehya could have had so much potential as a Pyro DPS were it not for the ridiculous intricacies of her burst– it’s uncontrollable, has a lower damage output, and can easily be cancelled through a misclick. 

However, this doesn’t mean that Dehya is completely unusable. If you’re in it for the underdog, Dehya might just fit the bill.


  • Element: Cryo
  • Role: Healer/Support
  • Weapon: Sword

What really gives Qiqi her value is that she’s a healer, and with Genshin Impact’s current meta, you’re always in want for characters like her. However, there’s a reason that you won’t see people use Qiqi in late game, and it all boils down to the fact that she’s got one of the longest skill cooldowns ever– not a good look when your healing depends on your skill. With the current roster of healers available, even 4-stars are a better pick.

But if you’re absolutely in need of a healer and haven’t finished your Liyue Archon Quests, then Qiqi, in all her adorable zombie charm, will still be a valuable teammate. 


  • Element: Hydro
  • Role: Support/Buffer
  • Weapon: Catalyst

Mona has dominated every “Damage Per Screenshot” players’ DMG showcase since she was released in the standard banner. Be it from a Childe Main, or a Diluc main, you just know that Mona will be in that equation for the juiciest numbers you can ever see. 

Mona can become a valuable asset to an early game team thanks to her support capability and versatility as a Hydro-aligned character, and can net you your first Purveyor of Punishment record DMG number. 


  • Element: Pyro
  • Role: DPS
  • Weapon: Claymore

For the longest time, Diluc has only seen use when players could exploit the so-called ‘Dragonstrike’ technique to use the bodies of large enemies as jumping platforms to repeatedly spam his powerful plunging attacks. But with the release of the 5-star Anemo support Xianyun, Diluc can now use his plunging attacks on demand - a strategy that only gets more powerful with top-tier support Furina also in the team.

With that said, Diluc is still a solid DPS that can help players breeze through the early game. Due to his Pyro alignment, he can make use of the Vaporize, Melt, and Overload reactions to dominate the battlefield.


  • Element: Electro
  • Role: DPS
  • Weapon: Sword

Keqing has become a competitive DPS thanks to the release of Dendro which, in tandem with her quick Electro-infused attacks, allows her to dish out tons of DMG with Aggravate and Hyperbloom reactions. When paired with Chevreuse, Keqing can also dish out Overload reactions with just a quick button mash session. To make it short: Keqing has now proven herself to be a character that can stand amongst her late game peers as a DPS who can keep up with the current meta. 


  • Element: Anemo
  • Role: SubDPS/Healer/Support
  • Weapon: Sword

Jean is one of the best Anemo supports and Healers out there, and can also deal a substantial amount of DMG as a subDPS to your team with her skill, which allows her to toss lighter enemies into the air and kill them with fall DMG.

Jean is also a great battery for elemental particles to fuel your energy-hungry DPSs, making her valuable in even late game team comps that need a battery and Anemo character rolled into one. 


  • Element: Dendro
  • Role: DPS
  • Weapon: Bow

It’s no secret that Dendro has become an enduring source of power that has dominated Genshin Impact’s metagame since its release in version 2.0, so it’s no surprise that our top pick is Tighnari. 

Tighnari is a reliable bow DPS who works best in Spread, Bloom, and Hyperbloom reactions, and can dish out quick charged attacks that can be comparable even to Ganyu. Although it may be difficult to build Tighnari when you’re in early game because his ascension materials are locked away in Sumeru, a quick trip through sea and sand is well worth it. 

Genshin Impact version 5.0 will be released on August 28 and will feature the new region of Natlan, three new characters in Mualani, Kinich, and Kachina, as well as tons of other updates. The newest version also comes with more generous rewards for players, including tons of Primogems for completing Archon Quests and a free standard 5-star character for every anniversary of the game moving forward.

Genshin Impact version 5.0 will also play host to the game's fourth anniversary on September 28, with the slate of anniversary rewards for players also including one free standard 5-star character of their choice.

Arianne "YanKu" BlancoFull time gamer, writer, and cat parent.