Photo Courtesy of compLexity Gaming
To understand a fierce competitor, requires becoming one yourself. It is this characteristic that makes Kyle Freedman second to none in the game of DOTA 2.
While some have access to more information regarding the circumstances leading to the decision to remove Kyle Freedman from compLexity, it is not these details that will be shared in this iteration of the NA Sphere (article for removal found here). Nor is it our intent to speculate on things which will likely remain unknown to those outside of firsthand knowledge. Instead, we will focus on Kyle’s journey with compLexity and what traits make him a treasure to our game.
Diehard competitors often develop a reputation for being too emotional and outspoken. Honestly, sometimes this is the case. Often, this is because their passion for whatever the endeavor, is so immense that occasionally it boils over. The inner workings of compLexity are a mystery. It’s unknown if this was an issue, but it’s a common symptom for the relentless competitor.
These qualities can come with consequences within a team setting. Expectations that might be placed on performance and training regiments can be overwhelming when five varying personalities are within proximity to each other for extended periods.
Kyle’s passion for DOTA 2, in addition, to be the best, is unparalleled. It’s this same passion that drives those that write for this website to do so voluntarily. Our passion for the game causes us to do everything within our capabilities to contribute to the community, and the Gosugamers team, even if it’s unpaid. Kyle Freedman takes this same grit to the next level and applies it to his pursuit of the community, and his team.
According to the public release issued by compLexity, after becoming aware of the intent to drop the compLexity DOTA 2 team at one point in 2016, Kyle opted out of receiving his salary and deferred reimbursement of utilities for months to ensure the team’s survival. It is this kind of self-sacrifice that very few would be willing to incur, if in the same position. This is the extent of his motivation. It’s hard not to respect an individual who is able to display this level of dedication to their goals, and at such a young age.
Kyle had been a member of compLexity since August of 2014. There has been some outcry from the community who expressed confusion about removing him while singing his praises in the release. Despite any controversy about how the organization released Kyle, compLexity is under no obligation to provide an eternity of job security in exchange for individual sacrifice. Both parties spent nearly four good, long years working profusely to create a championship team. Sometimes things are not meant to be. Sometimes things that are not meant to be lead to success elsewhere.
Watching the raw emotions filter out of players like Kyle, while sitting inside their LAN booths, is the x-factor that makes Esports so special. It induces a reaction in the spectator which causes the hairs to stand on end. This is what all players like Kyle offer our community. They create historical LAN experiences and turn them into legend. Kyle is the freedom of opportunity personified. The video above is the reaction of an individual seizing that opportunity.
It is these qualities which make compLexity’s release 100% accurate. Kyle Freedman’s willpower, alone, is enough to make him capable of winning an International. We will follow his future movements to determine if he can acquire the building blocks necessary to turn his dreams into reality.