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Dota 29 years ago

What does DK mean? We will never know, DK eSports is no more

After months of lack luster results and inability to pick up any players, DK has decided to stop their operations and disband.

It is a sad day for the long time fans of the Chinese Dota scene and of Team DK. Earlier today, it was announced that the DK eSports club will be stopping operations, the main reasons cited for this is the club's inability to compete with Korean eSports clubs in other games and also the lack of funds to pick up players.

The statement regarding the shutdown of DK talks about how the growth of the eSports scene has led to the downfall of the club, talking about how the Chinese eSports scene cannot compare with the Korean eSports scene, causing DK to be deprived of good players in many games and also how "The eSports scene [in China] is getting more and more messed up [...] nowadays, keeping a team is all about how much money you can fork up; we are very unhappy operating in these conditions." Also included in the statement is the reason for rumors of DK attempting to put together a tier one Dota2 team, "In 2015, we made all the preparations and had the budget ready to buy a tier one Dota2 team, we managed to contact a few players and settle on an agreement, but last minute problems occurred and we were unable to sign a team."

Ending the statement on a strong note, "For five years we have put in our best efforts. For five years, a lot of players and management have come and gone. For five years, we have encountered many difficulties. In these five years, we have had despair, glory and moments of ecstasy. However, good things will always come to an end, and today, DK is no more."

DK is one of the oldest Dota brands in the Chinese Dota2 scene, having been around for nearly five years. Throughout their time, they have been through multiple rosters, with legends like Xu 'BurNIng' Zhi Lei having played on the team. DK's last great performance was with their TI4 all-star line up, combining the best players from the SEA and Chinese scene; this team disbanded after TI4 and DK have not been able to return to their former glory since then.

Source: Weibo
Headline picture by SLTV
