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Dota 210 years ago

DAC: 1v1 tournament ft. Dendi, s4, Mushi and more

The DAC 1v1 tournament involving players voted by compendium owners begins today, featuring stars like Ferrari, Dendi, Mushi, s4 and more.

There has been a recent trend of major LANs organizing 1v1 tournaments, featuring players voted by the compendium owning community, and DAC has decided to tread the same path. The single elimination bracket of the 1v1 tournament begins today with Afoninje taking upon Zai and at the same time, s4 going up against Ferrari_430. The winner of a match is determined as the player who gets two kills or who gets the first tower. Along with s4 and Ferrari, we will get to witness some of the most popular and skilled players like Dendi, Mushi, Yao and the newcomer SumaiL.

This 1v1 tournament along with the All stars match, shall act as good fillers for the gap between the group stage and the main event, which begins from February 5th. The following is the bracket for the tournament:

The winner of the match will be awarded with a Geniune Roshan courier, as well as a handmade Roshan statue. 

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