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WoW19 years ago

Bug Alert!


With the new patch released yesterday (1.9.3) Blizzard has found that there is a major bug in the patch right now. Cloth items not able to be disenchanted.

Eyonix came on the forums with a quick confirmation that the bug was in fact known to the Blizzard development team and a fix was in the works. Last night select realms did have rolling restarts that did fix the issue on some realms.

Blizzard is still working on getting the bug fixed on all realms although there are no specifics at this time as to how they are addressing the issue as the rolling restarts did not fix the bug on all realms. Unknow also is exactly which realms are being affected.

We here at GosuGamers will keep an eye out for this issue and keep you up to date as to the status of this issue.

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