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Challengers EMEA

VCT 2022: Stage 1 Challengers teams for EMEA confirmed

Big name teams who qualified include Na’Vi and G2 Esports.

EMEA has completed their qualifier rounds for the VCT 2022 Stage 1 Challengers, with over two dozen teams competing to grab a seat at the first Challengers event for this year. Out of the many teams competing, only a dozen teams managed to qualify for the first stage of the annual VALORANT circuit tournament.

The prize pool for the EMEA Stage 1 Challengers will be €200,000, along with VCT Circuit Points for the top three teams. The points will be counted into the overall points for Champions.


The teams who will be playing at the Stage 1 Challengers for EMEA are:


The Stage 1 Challengers will be split into two – Group Stage and Playoffs.

Group Stage

  • 2 groups of six teams will be playing in a Round Robin Format
  • Top 3 teams advance to Playoffs
  • Top 1 team will have a one-round bye into the Playoffs
  • Bottom 1 team will be heading to the VCT Promotions tournament
  • All matches are Bo3


  • 6 teams will play in a Double-elimination bracket
  • All matches except Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo3
  • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5
  • Top 3 teams will qualify for Stage 1 Masters

Match schedule

The first match for the group stage will start on February 11, with the final match happening on March 13. Fans can follow the matches on the official VALORANT twitch page HERE.

Sharil "memeranglaut" Abdul RahmanHe dabbles in Esports, checking out what's new and hip with the industry. Outside of Esports and gaming, he likes Japan. Ijou. Check him out at @SharilGosu