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The line-up for NA VCT Stage 2 Challengers 2 playoffs is complete

Eight teams will be competing to grab that seat to Iceland

After the completion of the qualifiers of the North American VCT Stage 2, the line-up of teams that will he fighting their way to the Grand Final has been determined. Four from the Challengers 2 qualifier and four from the bottom placed teams of Challengers 1 will be battling their way with their agents to achieve victory.

Image courtesy of Liquipedia

The eight teams are:

Teams Andbox, BBG, C9, and Immortals were eliminated early on in Challengers 1 in both the upper and lower bracket. But as they were part of the top eight finisher, they got a second chance to take a crack at securing that spot to Iceland in Challengers 2, without going through the rigmarole of the open qualifiers.

Unfortunately, teams like Gen.G and FaZe Clan did not manage to go through the qualifiers. They will have to duke it out again in the upcoming Challengers 3.

Don’t forget to follow their journey at our Hub for Challengers 2 right here.

Sharil "memeranglaut" Abdul RahmanHe dabbles in Esports, checking out what's new and hip with the industry. Outside of Esports and gaming, he likes Japan. Ijou. Check him out at @SharilGosu