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General18 years ago

Blizzard reveals the Protoss Warp Ray

Another Protoss unit in StarCraft was just revealed. The Warp Ray, an air unit built from the Stargate has been made public.


We have previously seen the Zealot, the Immortal, the Stalker, the Phase Prism, Phoenix, Colossus and now the Warp Ray. The Warp Ray is a long-ranged bombardment, and the beam's intensity and power grows exponentially. It is tough to face the Warp Ray, everything from Marines to Battlecruisers will have a hard time with it.
A warp ray is a ship virtually built around a single gigantic power source: the prismatic core. This device seethes with energy drawn from two realms: the Void, which is truly understood only by the dark templar, and the psionic matrix, which underpins the technologies of the Aiur protoss. In combination these two energies form a self-sustaining reaction of terrifying potential.

Normally the prismatic core is held in check by an arrangement of flux field projectors. When a warp ray locks on to a target, the projector arms smoothly part like the petals of a flower. A complex array of warp lenses and phase-crystals works to focus the energies of the prismatic core into a ravening beam of destruction.

As the prismatic beam is held on the target, more of the focusing array becomes aligned, and up to three individual power streams combine together. Over a few seconds the beam's intensity and power grow exponentially. Few enemies can withstand the awful power of the prismatic beam for long: even large and heavily armored targets like buildings or battlecruisers are incinerated in moments.

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