The Blizzard Fan Art Program is slowly growing; most are WoW pieces. A few, like "Breech of Contract" by Yeong-Hao Han, aka Fooyee, belongs to our world. If you have Starcraft fan art that you have made, consider submitting before our game is dead.
It is a real pity the ton of Starcraft art out there just missed the boat with this program. Unfortunately they came up with this idea when many of their classic games have left the popular lime light so you will mainly see WoW Fan art these days. The problem with WoW Fan art is that being an RPG with so many elements borrowed from human mythology and good old fashioned D&D just about anything you submit can be considered "WoW" fan art. Starcrtaft fan art on the other hand is a little more specific and if there is a Zerg or Protoss motif you know exactly what universe the piece belongs too.
Usually I try to make sure to make a mention or make a POTW with all the new Starcraft pieces that appear but I seemed to have missed this one. Anyway, if you are an artist, and have Blizzard fan art, specifically Starcraft fan art in your computer made by you, please submit it at the ยป Blizzard Fan Art Program.
Links - Fan Art Program - Author's show site