Hi everyone. We have another update on the status of the ValueBet beta. Find the main news regarding it with all updates listed here.
The Bug Hunt
Since our last update several days ago we have encountered a few different bugs/issues and our field developers have been dispatched to deal with them. Thanks to the continuous reports from the community involved in the beta testing we were able to identify where they were "hiding" and have now taken care of them.
*image caption from the movie Starship Troopers, Touchstone Pictures
During this period some of you may have experienced occasional problems with depositing items to your GosuStash. Also some of the items deposited the past weekend and early in this week appeared locked (unavailable) for much more time than it usually takes our system to verify them. In addition a very limited number of Dota 2 items were unavailable for withdrawing.
Some of them were related to specific data for some of the items, but we have also made significant improvements in handling the trade offer confirmation data. These should result in better response times when interacting with our ValueBet system both when depositing and withdrawing items.
For the last week the actual betting on matches has remained very stable and predictable, with no problems reported there. We are monitoring each and every ValueBet-enabled match and its bets, ready to respond to any unexpected problem there. Once again we kindly ask all our visitors using the ValueBet beta to contact us at valuebet@gosugamers.net for any problems they may encounter, as well as questions and suggestions.
Join the fight
If you wish to join the beta - simply follow the steps in our guide, found here.
You can expect more status updates and anouncements for upcoming improvements in the next week.
Until then we would like to wish everyone the best of luck with their bets. Have a great eSports weekend!