We have more news on the ValueBet beta straight from the testing and development process. The most important one is we are doubling the number of people that can access it to 2000 at this time. As we continue testing and working on improvements we will look to increase that number even further in the very near future.
If you haven’t followed all the news – we launched a limited beta access for ValueBet for Dota 2 and CS:GO on May 7th. You can find all about it here. You can also find our first information update on it here.
Increasing the numbers in the beta by 1000
We started the ValueBet limited beta with 1000 slots. They were filled rather fast and thanks to the support and feedback of our visitors in the beta we were able to identify a number of improvements. Our developers have been hard at work addressing everything that was revealed thanks to the public testing. We would like to once again express our gratitude for the support we received from the community in uncovering and reporting things that we would not have been able to reproduce in our internal testing.
We now have enough confidence it the stability of the system and we are opening another 1000 slots. As with the initial reveal and beta phase, all you need to do is just place a bet on a ValueBet enabled match. If there are free slots, your bet will be registered and your GosuGamers account will automatically gain ValueBet access. A step-by-step visual guide for the process can be found here.
If the maximum number of beta users have already been reached, you will not be able to deposit items and place a bet. Try again in a few days and look for updates as we open ValueBet to even more GosuGamers visitors.
Increasing the test range of matches and reserve pool/payouts
As we increase the maximum number of visitors with access to the beta we will continue to closely monitor all matches and start enabling more for ValueBet. With a number of very exciting ongoing CS:GO events you can expect more matches enabled for it, but we will enable more for Dota 2 as well.
As more games are played out we are following on the bets placed and the payout amounts. For CS:GO we are for now leaving the temporary limit for maximum estimated value per single item at $10 USD. We would like to again remind and encourage everyone in the beta to place low value items for testing purposes only. As we increase the beta slots we are also actively working on increasing our reserve pool of items for both CS:GO and Dota 2. In addition to that our fee of up to 1% is in place to help us in this task - contributing and diversifying the reserve pool of items we already have and ensuring good payouts on each bet. It is up to 1% (not fixed) so there are even cases where, for instance, your estimated payout is let’s say 0.5 (random example), but you actually will get slightly more (for instance 0.55) if the closest item and value combination was above, and not bellow the expected payout. All of this requires monitoring and involves a lot math. We hope that our model will hold up to initial predictions and our very modest fee will be enough to support a diverse reserve pool of items and the best possible betting experience for our visitors.
With that said we do want to point out that even with our excellent payout result on the matches we tested so far (95-100% in most cases) there still could be some cases in which a winning bet may result in a less-than-ideal payout. Based on our current data we expect such cases to be progressively decreasing in number, but we cannot yet guarantee that all possible winnings will be in that range.
The ValueBet beta has now been expanded to a total of 2000 slots. We are working on improving all its aspects and with your help – trying to make it the best possible experience. The help and support we have received from the community is invaluable and we hope you are as excited as we are about ValueBet. Send us any questions and feedback information to valuebet@gosugamers.net, we are reading carefully and answering all of them as fast as we can.