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General12 years ago

H2K Gaming sign We haz Asian

In our second sponsorship agreement of the day We Haz Asian have become part of Hard2Kill, a multi-gaming project with divisions in LoL, CoD 4, CS:GO, Shootmania and Starcraft II.

The mix of German and Danish players hit the headlines just yesterday after having won the preliminary tournament for the fourth season of Star Series.

The team was first seen playing five months ago and has since then come a long way which most notably lead them to a first place at the WCG Samsung European Encounter held in Cologne, Germany.

Hard2Kill is a name not unknown to avid esports followers. The organization was exposed to negative publicity one year ago, when all operations had to be ceased and its DotA team was left without sufficient funds to attend ASUS Summer 2011.

Recently, H2K caught public attention by signing a mostly Swedish team lead by Henry 'henrydickenson' Dickenson, which ended up not working out.

The new squad will compete in events such as DreamHack Winter, Star Series 4, The Defense III and THOR.

H2K-Gaming are:
Germany Philipp "RMC" Pausewang
Germany David "Crydasia" Landmesser
Denmark Jonathan "unicornxoxo" Arge
Denmark Lauge "hiphopNOTpop" Feiring
Denmark Andreas Franck "Cr1t-" Nielsen

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