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General13 years ago

Hallow's End is here with a revamped token system!

No more praying for the random number generator to smile your way to finish your achievements! As the Headless Horseman strikes fear into Azeroth's citizens, there's plenty of cool items, vanity and otherwise, for people to pick up during this Seasonal Holiday that lasts from now until the 31st of October.

Hallow's End Guide

Gone are the days of trick-or-treating hourly for a chance at an extremely rare mask or a rare vanity item. Instead, the event has been streamlined into a vendor and daily system, very similar to Noblegarden. One new vanity pet, Feline Familiar, makes its appearance here on a vendor, for example; meanwhile, old favorites, such as Sinister Squashling are also purchasable. There's also Creepy Crate from a short questline.

Tricky treats are obtained through dailies and the pumpkins spread throughout inns on the map. You will get two treats for every inn you visit, as a one time only reward, along with a potential for a mask, wand, or other fun holiday item. You then spend the tricky treats at vendors outside of your capital cities.

Treats and Goodies!
There are three main ways players can acquire quirky seasonal items during the Hallow's End festival:
Pumpkins (new to Cataclysm!), Crudely Wrapped Gift, and the Headless Horseman.

As we've explained in more detail above, Pumpkins are nearby the innkeepers of friendly inns--looting each pumpkin (one-time only), will reward players with 2 Tricky Treats. These can be used to purchase a number of rare items--this new system takes the RNG component out of Trick-or-Treating, from previous years.

A Crudely Wrapped Gift can be obtained after protecting a low level Alliance (Goldshire, Kharanos, or Azure Watch) or Horde (Razor Hill, Falconwing Square, or Brill) village from the Shade of the Horseman (see Quests section below). The matrons located in these villages will ask for your aid in putting out fires in local buildings. When the Shade of the Horseman has been defeated, a large Jack-o-Lantern will appear on the ground that gives the quest Smash the Pumpkin (Alliance) which can be turned in at the nearby Matron. The Matron will reward you with a sum of gold and a Crudely Wrapped Gift, which can contain candy, masks, or even riding brooms!

The Headless Horseman is a level 85 boss that players can queue up for using the Dungeon Finder tool. The boss will then spawn in the Graveyard of Scarlet Monastery. This encounter can be completed easily by a decently-geared 5-man of level 85 players.

Candy Buckets
Seasonal, pumpkin-shaped Candy Buckets are located inside every inn, near the Innkeeper. Each bucket offers a one-time quest that can be completed and rewards a small sum of gold and a Handful of Treats, which contains a guaranteed two Tricky Treats and then has a chance to have other items such as masks and snacks. These snacks include Pyroblast Cinnamon Ball, G.N.E.R.D.S., Chewy Fel Taffy, and Soothing Spearmint Candy--and this year, most of these candies have a cosmetic buff! Visiting all friendly inn buckets on continent will reward an achievement.

Check the link below for more information, and handy guides for everything related to the holiday.

Wowheadnews - Hallow's End Guide