The Zerg King from Taiwan Fnatic.SEn snatched an incredible victory over StarTale's God of War July to take the bronze NASL medal. After being down 0-1, SEn won three games in a row to reach the top 3.
SEn lost the first set on Crossfire as he tried to break the ultimate zerg mirror with both players going for +1 roach timing attack. The Taiwanese moved out first and morphed a ton of banelings at the ramp north of July's natural but Korean's micro was too good: the roaches were split perfectly and the banelings killed before big damage was done. A counter push ended the set, putting SEn in 0-1 disadvantage.
Fortunately for all the foreign fans, though, the Fnatic zerg equalized the score on Shattered Temple as he took the dangerous decision to drone hard despite the possibility of a roach bust by July. Such a bust indeed came but SEn's spine crawlers and quicker reinforcements were barely enough, winning him the battle and putting him in a perfect position from where he could easily seize the set.

The final two sets were frantic beyond all limits. On Altar, a speedling run-by by SEn cost July a ton of drones and the main hatchery as well and the God of War was forced to enter the fourth set with the deadly 1-2 disadvantage, just one game away from elimination.
The set on Crevasse was just as hectic as a base trade scenario occurred when July's roaches moved in for an early push but some lings by Sen managed to sneak past them and run into July's main. Before the Korean could react, he had lost almost every single building, while SEn still had a hatchery and a few drones mining. July returned for a final roach push but the forces of Sen were just enough to handle him the bronze medal and the $10,000 prize.
The fight for NASL will soon conclude as the MC vs Puma grand final lies ahead. Tune in to find out who will take home the $50,000 and the NASL crown.