Let us all hear what one of the most respected US players has to say about himself, his team, and other things related to DotA. Here you go, Meet Your DeMoN!
Hello, Jim! Please tell our readers a bit about yourself, if it is not too much trouble.
Hello, I’m DeMoN and currently playing for MYM. I’m a freshman in college planning to major in business & marketing.
When did you start playing professional DotA? What was it like?
I got introduced to competitive DotA about 4 years ago with my first team MainLine Gaming. I would say the most notable opponent for us was MYM for international and American was Check-Six. At this time, I was mainly playing a lot of inhouse leagues and was recognized by most Americans by achieving rank 1 in multiple leagues back to back. My biggest goal was when I achieved rank 1 in US-west server, US-east server, and IHCS2. This was when I realized I needed a long-term team to compete internationally, because league games weren’t as amusing to me with the limited player skill level pool.
I really started my career on my first real team which was Team hi2u, which later became Check-Six/x6. We competed in various tournaments, and the more known ones were MYM’s Prime Defending. This was when I really started playing internationally, but the only problems at the time playing there was host issues. There weren’t hostbots at the time so it made it hard for the Americans to play. Aside from the issues, I was still pleased with our performance even though we couldn’t show it to it’s fullest potential. Being able to play with the Chinese, Asians, Europeans, and Americans is really something I’m very lucky to be able to do.
Team Poker Idol with DeMoN.
Tell us how you got into MYM.
MYM has always been my dream team to join ever since I got into competitive DotA; no matter how many changes they’ve made. I’ve always known the team was built off great friendship and maturity which made my desire to join the team higher. I became really good friends with both MaNia and PusHer when I met them at SMM 2009. That’s where I asked to join again but this time a little more serious. Explained to them my situation, since at this time we had lost the sponsorship from EG and if I recall correctly I wasn’t very satisfied it.(Mainly because we did NOT go to SMM due to sponsorship issues and played as a stand-in for PokerIdol). They both told me wait til we get home to further discuss if we can make it work, but I ended up joining Nirvana.int due to my impatience.
When I departed from Nirvana.int after some internal conflicts, MYM needed another player at the time due to their lack of scrims, inactivity, and some motivation. The only problem that was holding my invite back was Maelk being skeptical adding a US-West player again, and really wanted a full Danish line-up. Eventually, they tried me out in a couple of scrims, and was satisfied with my performance; I was finally invited. This then had become the best team decision I’ve ever made.
What can you say about your fellow team in the MYM PN?
I’ll just say, I hope BuLba and Powernet continue to carry me to WIN Prime Nations! Both of these players have never failed to impress me, and will continue shinning as rising stars. With Fear making an exquisite return, I am even more confident we will be able to take the gold home!
Are you afraid of Croatia in the next round? What can you say about them?
No, I became very confident after our spectacular performance in our first game verse Finland which led to Ukraine, and even Russia. We have 2-0’d every opponent that came our way, and hope to continue without underestimating anyone. I wish Croatia good luck and for some good games, especially because Lacoste is playing as their captain
With MYM, you lost the final of Pick League XIV to GGnet. However, you won the grand final of the ICS against them. What happened?
I would say Maelk played a HUGE role in our victories for Intel Super Cup. We normally draft as a team, giving as much input as we can to Maelk while he makes the final decision in picks. I would say we are really dependant in what should be done in game whether its lanes/item builds/making important calls. Maelk is a great leader, and without one; a team is destined to fail. Others may have their own opinions on this, and even possibly my team but this is how I feel.
As we know, you're playing in Asian leagues. Can you answer this question: Is Asia stronger than Europe?
Most likely yes, but if you compare the best players in both parts of the world, they are more equal. The only thing is that Asia has a larger amount of powerful players than Europe.
You live in California, your teammates in Europe. Are you concerned about the time difference? After all, evening in Europe is morning in the U.S.
Americans are used to playing on European times, and I’d say they are pretty content with it. It does conflict sometimes with my school schedule, but when it comes to important matches they are scheduled on days where I’m available in case they need me to play. It doesn’t bother me at all because everything is played in the morning for me, as for the evening I usually have more things to do.
Can you tell me how to achieve the same success as MYM?
Easy, have players like Maelk, MiSeRy, PlaymatE, MaNia, and PusHer on your team :)
What would you like to see in 6.72?
To be honest, I do not care. I respect every version, and try to reach my full potential in all of them. Surprise me, IceFrog!
What are your favorite heroes?
Syllabear, Enigma and Beastmaster (this list consists of the characters which I currently play. That is, it is constantly changing!)
In modern DotA most of the teams use 30 characters for the picks and bans. The -ub mode (which is used for MYM PN #3) allows you to select all the characters. Do you like it?
No, I dislike the mode with a passion. The heroes are way too imbalanced still, and I prefer sticking with the 10-20 heroes that’s picked almost every game. I find that much more enjoyable than playing with “imba” heroes.
What can you say about the loss of DTS' sponsorship?
DTS isn’t the same without Artstyle and Dendi as they played a huge role in their past accomplishments. I think it will take some time for them to come back strong, and already winning OSPL as their first big lan event with their new roster is quite an achievement. I think DTS dropped their squad a little to early, and should have gave them another chance with the lan. Despite losing DTS, I’m sure their new sponsor M5 is very grateful to have them in their presence.
The DeMoN Shirt!
We return to OSPL. MYM was not allowed there, what do you think about this?
It was very sad to see MYM not being able to participate due to visa issues, as I feel they could have placed top 3, if not won it all. The whole lan tournament needed more skilled teams in my opinion, with such a high prize pool it was sad to see DTS pub stomping their way. OSPL isn’t really at fault, since they did try inviting some of the Chinese teams as it’s very hard to attain a visa to Kazakhstan for some countries.(Oh hey look at Denmark!) Either way, I would like to congratulate M5/Garaj/DTS for winning OSPL Spring 2011.
Thanks for the interview, Jim. Any shoutouts?
Thanks to MYM, Razer, Western Digital and Puma. Thank you to all my fans! Keep supporting me and subscribe to facebook.
*Minor edits were done due to translation.*
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