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General14 years ago

Sjow applies for foreigner house in Korea

SjoW, the recently crowned IEM European champion, has written an application for a spot within the GSL foreigner house in Korea.

Several hours ago on IRC, Sjow noted that he wrote the application. He later confirmed this privately, can be read on

The prospect of a Terran like SjoW in Korea must excite not just foreign fans but even the GSL itself. The league has seen increased exposure and a large viewership thanks to recent foreign success.

It is important to note that there is no guarantee that he will actually make the move to Korea because he wishes to play in IEM tournaments as well. It seems that his immediate StarCraft future may be determined by the scheduling of these two tournaments. Should they clash in a significant way, he will have to make a difficult choice.

However, with his recent win in Kiev and the imminent opening of the GSL foreign house in Korea, he's likely never been in such an excellent position. One would be hard pressed to argue that he does not deserve a spot in a house full of the top foreigners, fighting to compete at the highest levels in South Korea.

SK-Gaming - Sjow applies for foreigner house in Korea