Out of the 10 nominees, Jonathan "Jinro" Walsh was voted by the GosuGamers readers as the best non-Korean of 2010. Winning the MLG Dallas event and being the first foreigner in many years to reach the semi final in a Korean progaming league.
He remains a crowd favorite in 2011, and has further proven to be a true gosu gamer: a gamer with superior gaming technique, good manners and sportsmanship.

- Its an honour, and since I hadnt thought about there being any such awards until I was told about it, yes!
The awards is meant to praise a true 'gosu' gamer, which we feel is characterized as a gamer with superior gaming technique, good manners and sportsmanship. As for superior gaming technique, you reached the spotlight last year after your great success in the GSL. Yesterday you made sure to do at least as good. How have these latest months been?
- Hm, been trending upwards since MLG pretty much =) I always feel good when I have a game to prepare for! Its been pretty crazy to go from always choking in every tournament to doing this good, but it feels good =)
Would you call yourself the best foreigner now? I mean, 4-1 against IdrA, two Korean progaming league semi final placings in a row, and MLG Dallas win. If you set Korea aside, what other trophies do want to win?
- I think its still too early, I dont think Im ahead of the pack to the the degree where Id want to call myself #1, if Im even ahead at all. I just think I have really good support from my team so Im able to overcome really strong opponents who might be lacking some of that support (such as IdrA, and this isnt a diss towards EG, since they are putting together a house in Korea as far as I understand it) I hope WCG has SC2 for 2011, and I wanna do good in there.
There's no stats out for how many actually watched your stream, but #Jinro actually made it up on "Top Trends" on Twitter so it's safe to say quite a few people were watching you. How does it feel, knowing you're followed by so many? Does it affect your play?
- Haha thats pretty cool, hm, numbers dont affect me so much, I generally put most of the pressure on myself, by myself. Its mostly just nice, but Ill try as hard whether theres 100 or 100 000 people watching I think
We have other categories in the GosuGamers Awards: Korean of the Year, and Community Effort of the Year. Who would you pick?
- Hm, MC. I honestly wouldnt know what to put under community effort... I guess the community produced content I use the most would be the Relocalizer by GirlScoutCookie? SC2Gears by Dakota_Fanning is also pretty solid work in the tools department. Then theres are all the guys casting, and I think that would have to go to Day[9] by a bit of a landslide... And then theres just so many wonderful people making artwork/songs etc... I guess overall, Day[9] would be it for me. Though that reminds me of how much Husky has done as well... So yeah,t here are so many options, hard to choose ^^
How are you preparing for the weekend? Going up against MarineKing again after the Round of 16, how does it feel?
- Feels good to get a shot at him again so soon, but hes a tough opponent so its not someone I would have picked
Alright, best of luck in the semi final, Jinro! Any final words?
Thanks! Just thanks for the award, and thanks to everyone for watching as always! I hope the games will be close and worth watching on Sunday.
Voting results
Jinro | 37,8% |
Tarson | 15,6% |
White-Ra | 12,2% |
Dimaga | 9,6% |
TheLittleOne | 7,8% |
HuK | 6,7% |
Naama | 4,3% |
Fenix | 2,3% |
Morrow | 2,0% |
qxc | 1,7% |