After a long time in the dark, Garena HoN finally gets a massive patch to catch up with their International counterparts, getting new heroes Moraxus and Myrmidon along with changes like the Striders nerf, Ward Bundle changes and the Assist Gold Rework all in one patch.
Writer Donmaikeru from DuskBin wrote a patch analysis, with some insight from DuskBin's players, having played and experienced the changes themselves in International HoN.

Moraxus is a hero that excels early-mid game, with his axe ability for harass and his stun to set up kills. His role is a tank in the game so best way to go with him is always getting Helm of the Black Legion, Shaman's Headdress and usually Portal Key after.”Myrmidon

Well most players try to make him a carry due to his ultimate which I find is a big mistake since he already has great skills to help out the team and doesn't need much farm.”Striders Nerf
-They now lose charges if you are within 600 units of a visible enemy hero at the same rate they gained them. You begin to gain the charges back as soon as you run away from the enemy.

By the time you're 600 range from someone, you don't really need the ms boost that much. In most cases, before the nerf, you'd already take damage before you're in 600 range, so you would have lost the ms by then anyway. I'm not saying it doesn't have an effect. It just doesn't make that much of a difference too often.”Ward Bundle Change

I can deward with my first 100 gold. That's huge. I can even do a 3 ward strategy. I can split first two obs with someone. And an extra WoS (Ward of Sight) or WoR (Ward of Revelation) at the start is awesome. A support just has to give up two tangoes to either blind them at the runes, get a pull camp, or have extra vision to help out mid. Starting with 300g is a lot more manageable than starting with 200g.”Assist Gold Rework
Assist Gold Reworked
-Half of the total bounty awarded for the hero kill is divided evenly amongst all assisters on the kill.
-The player who gets the kill receives the same amount of gold. Overall this is an increase in gold received for assisting on a kill, however you must actively partake in earning the assist (dealing damage, debuffing, etc) rather than just being nearby.
-You still receive gold for simply being in the proximity of an enemy hero kill.

This is one of my favorite changes in HoN. The game is faster and more ganking style instead of just some boring farming game. Now HoN is not about farming anymore, It's more on killing heroes. Love it!”Map Rework
-The bases are now the same size, centered, and all the barracks are equidistant from the main building/fountain.
-The ramps leading into the base are wider and the space outside of the bases are much larger/more open.
-Added some trees above in the Hellbourne side of middle lane (up-left of the middle outermost Hellbourne tower)

Bigger entrance means less turtle play. All 5 can go inside the base with more distance beside each other which means that it is easier. Also behemoth can't block the entrance anymore with his first skill I think.”Links
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